この研究は、無線周波(RF)の電磁界(EMF)の長期ばく露による健康影響に関する疫学研究(2001年以降に公刊のもの)から得られた全てのデータを対象に、新しいアプローチの総観分析を行った。その結果、携帯電話使用と脳腫瘍の関連の可能性に関して、全く異なる2つのデータプールが同定され、ある一つの研究グループから、他の全ての研究と対立する多数の研究が報告されていた;しかし、2つのデータプールにおいて、ばく露症例数とともにオッズ比が0.8に向かう傾向を示した;長期ばく露の影響について量反応関係を分析すると、ばく露量指標により結果が大きく異なることが示された;総体的に携帯無線通信によるRF EMFの健康影響に関する分析結果は警告よりも安心を支持している、と報告している。
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A synoptic analysis was conducted on all data from case-control studies on the association between mobile phone use and brain tumors published between 2001 and 2014. In this new synoptic approach, all available risk estimates (odds ratios) of the identified studies were presented and analyzed without further selection criteria such as the size of the study or exposure metric.
Following 30 studies were included: Inskip et al. 2001, Auvinen et al. 2002, Christensen et al. 2004, Lönn et al. 2004, Lönn et al. 2005, Hardell et al. 2005, Schoemaker et al. 2005, Hardell et al. 2006, Hepworth et al. 2006, Lönn et al. 2006, Lönn et al. 2006, Schüz et al. 2006, Sadetzki et al. 2007, Schlehofer et al. 2007, Takebayashi et al. 2008, Klaeboe et al. 2007, Hours et al. 2007, Lahkola et al. 2007, Lahkola et al. 2008, Interphone Study Group 2010, Hardell et al. 2011, Interphone Study Group 2011, Sato et al. 2011, Swerdlow al. 2011, Hardell et al. 2013, Hardell et al. 2013, Hardell et al. 2013, Hardell et al. 2013, Moon et al. 2014, and Petterson et al. 2014.
The relation between odds ratios reported in the publications and 1) number of exposed cases, 2) ratio of the number of controls and the number of cases, 3) year of publication, 4) the cumulated years of use, 5) cumulated call time and 6) cumulated number of calls were presented in figures.
Two quite different data pools could be identified with numerous studies from one single research group (Swedish Hardell group) opposing all other national and international studies.
It could be shown that with the increasing number of exposed cases both data pools exhibit a clear trend of risk estimates (odds ratios) towards a reduced cancer risk (OR 0.8).
Overall, the synoptic analysis supports reassuring rather than alarming conclusions on health risks from mobile telecommunication.