研究のタイプ: 疫学研究 (observational study)

[高圧電力への出生前および出生後のばく露による小児急性リンパ芽球性白血病(ALL)のリスク上昇:イランのエスファハーンでの症例対照研究] epidem.

Increased risk of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) by prenatal and postnatal exposure to high voltage power lines: a case control study in Isfahan, Iran

掲載誌: Asian Pac J Cancer Prev 2015; 16 (6): 2347-2350


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A case-control study was conducted in Iran to investigate the role of prenatal and postnatal exposure to high voltage power lines and other risk factors on the incidence of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia.


Remark EMF-Portal: Number of cases and controls as well as study results and whole chapters of this publication are identical in the publication by Tabrizi and Hosseini (2015). It is unclear whether this is a replication study with the same results or two studies conducted in two different cities with the same results.
Details of exposure assessment are missing in this publication. It is not stated how 'living near high voltage power lines' is defined and how the exposure to power lines was classified into 'yes' or 'no'.


リスク推定のタイプ: (オッズ比(OR))




グループ 説明
参照集団 1 prenatal exposure to power lines: no
集団 2 prenatal exposure to power lines: yes
参照集団 3 postnatal exposure to power lines: no
集団 4 postnatal exposure to power lines: yes





症例 対照
評価可能 22 100


Overall, 4 out of 22 (18.8%) of children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia and 3 out of 100 control children were exposed to high voltage power lines. As the population study was from low socioeconomic status, use of mobile phones, computers and microwave ovens was negligible.
Prenatal and childhood exposure to high voltage power lines was considered as the most important environmental risk factors of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (OR 3.65, CI 1.69-7.88).
The authors concluded that prenatal and postnatal exposure to high voltage power lines and living in pollutant regions as well as familial history of leukemia and parental occupational exposure to chemicals and radiation could be described as risk factors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia for the first time in a low socioeconomic status Iranian population.


The results are based on low numbers.

