研究のタイプ: 疫学研究 (observational study)

[磁界および電撃への職業的ばく露とALSのリスク:スイス国民コホート] epidem.

Occupational exposure to magnetic fields and electric shocks and risk of ALS: The Swiss National Cohort

掲載誌: Amyotroph Lateral Scler Frontotemporal Degener 2015; 16 (1-2): 80-85

この研究は、筋萎縮性側索硬化症(ALS)の死亡率(2000-2008年)と超低周波磁界(ELF-MF)および電撃に関して、スイス国民コホートを用いて評価した。ELF-MFおよび電撃に関するデータは、1990年と2000年の人口センサスに記録されている職業に基づきジョブマトリクスで決定した。220万人の労働者において、ELF-MFおよび電撃の高・中ばく露群と低ばく露群をコックスの比例ハザードモデルを用いて比較した。その結果、どちらのセンサスにおいても、ALS死亡率はELF-MFの高・中ばく露群で高かった(ハザード比HR= 1.55; 95%信頼区間1.11-2.15);一方、電撃でのHRは1に近かった、と報告している。

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The association between occupational exposure to magnetic fields and electric shocks and mortality of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis was investigated in the Swiss National Cohort.


Occupational exposure was assessed by applying job exposure matrices for occupations at censuses 1990 and 2000. Furthermore, the job titles were classified into electrical occupations according to Deapen et al. (1988) und Feychting et al. (2013).


リスク推定のタイプ: (hazard ratio)




グループ 説明
参照集団 1 magnetic field exposure (job-exposure matrix): low
集団 2 magnetic field exposure (job-exposure matrix): medium
集団 3 magnetic field exposure (job-exposure matrix): high
参照集団 4 electrical shocks (job-exposure matrix): low
集団 5 electrical shocks (job-exposure matrix): medium
集団 6 electrical shocks (job-exposure matrix): high
参照集団 7 electrical occupations (according to Deapen et al., 1988): no
集団 8 electrical occupations (according to Deapen et al., 1988): yes
参照集団 9 electrical occupations (according to Feychting et al., 2003): no
集団 10 electrical occupations (according to Feychting et al., 2003): yes



合計 2,167,046
統計学的分析方法: (調整: )


A total of 278 persons of the study population died from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
When analyzed separately for each census data, mortality from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis was not increased for workers exposed to extremely low frequency magnetic fields, for workers at risk of electrical shocks, or employed in electrical occupations in either 1990 or 2000. Mortality was higher in workers who had medium or high magnetic field exposure in both censuses (HR 1.55, CI 1.11-2.15), but closer to unity for electrical shocks (HR 1.17, CI 0.83-1.65). When both exposures were included in the same model, the hazard ratio for extremely low frequency magnetic fields changed little (HR 1.56, CI 1.09-2.25), but the hazard ratio for electric shocks was attenuated to 0.97 (CI 0.66-1.42).
The authors concluded that there was an association between exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields and mortality from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis among workers with a higher likelihood of long-term exposure.

