研究のタイプ: 疫学研究 (observational study)

[携帯およびコードレス電話の長期使用に関連した星状細胞腫グレードIV(多形性膠芽腫)の患者の生存率低下] epidem.

Decreased Survival of Glioma Patients with Astrocytoma Grade IV (Glioblastoma Multiforme) Associated with Long-Term Use of Mobile and Cordless Phones

掲載誌: Int J Environ Res Public Health 2014; 11 (10): 10790-10805

この研究は、著者等が過去に実施した無線電話(携帯およびコードレス電話)の使用に関する症例対照研究神経膠腫患者1678人の生存について、そのコックス比例ハザード分析を行った。生存または死亡の追跡期間は、診断日から死亡日または研究終了日(2013年12月18日:生存者の場合)まで。その結果、無線電話の使用年数>20年では、神経膠腫ハザード比(HR)=1.7(95%信頼区間:1.2-2.3);同じ使用年数での星状細胞腫グレードIV(n=926)については、携帯電話の場合、HR=2.0(同:1.4-2.9)、コードレス電話の場合、HR= 3.4(同:1.04-11)、と報告している。

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Survival of patients after glioma diagnosis in relation to the use of mobile phones and cordless phones was investigated in a case-control study in Sweden. The present study is an update of the previous study by Hardell and Carlberg (2013) and based on the study population of the case-control studies of Hardell et al (2006), Hardell et al (2011), Hardell et al (2010) and Hardell et al (2010).





グループ 説明
集団 1 unexposed: no mobile or cordless phone use or less than 1 year
集団 2 mobile phone (analog and digital) use > 1 - 5 years
集団 3 mobile phone use > 5 - 10 years
集団 4 mobile phone use > 10 - 15 years
集団 5 mobile phone use > 15 - 20 years
集団 6 mobile phone use > 20 years
集団 7 cordless phone use > 1 - 5 years
集団 8 cordless phone use > 5 - 10 years
集団 9 cordless phone use > 10 - 15 years
集団 10 cordless phone use > 15 - 20 years
集団 11 cordless phone use > 20 years
集団 12 mobile + cordless phone use > 1 to 5 years
集団 13 mobile + cordless phone use > 5 - 10 years
集団 14 mobile + cordless phone use > 10 - 15 years
集団 15 mobile + cordless phone use > 15 - 20 years
集団 16 mobile + cordless phone use > 20 years
集団 17 mobile phone, cumulative lifetime use: 1 - 122 h
集団 18 mobile phone, cumulative lifetime use: 123 - 496 h
集団 19 mobile phone, cumulative lifetime use: 497 - 1460 h
集団 20 mobile phone, cumulative lifetime use: > 1460 h
集団 21 cordless phone, cumulative lifetime use: 1 - 122 h
集団 22 cordless phone, cumulative lifetime use: 123 - 496 h
集団 23 cordless phone, cumulative lifetime use: 497 - 1460 h
集団 24 cordless phone, cumulative lifetime use: > 1460 h
集団 25 mobile + cordless phone, cumulative lifetime use: 1 - 122 h
集団 26 mobile + cordless phone, cumulative lifetime use: 123 - 496 h
集団 27 mobile + cordless phone, cumulative lifetime use: 497 - 1460 h
集団 28 mobile + cordless phone, cumulative lifetime use: > 1460 h



適格者 1,678
統計学的分析方法: (調整: )


Use of mobile and cordless phones in the >20 years latency group (group 28) yielded an increased hazard ratio of 1.7, (CI 1.2-2.3) for decreased survival of glioma. For the survival of the most common glioma type (astrocytoma grade IV, n=926) mobile phone use yielded hazard ratio of 2.0, (CI 1.4-2.9) and cordless phone use a hazard ratio of 3.4, (CI 1.04-11) in the same latency category. The hazard ratio for astrocytoma grade IV increased statistically significant per year of latency for wireless phones, (HR 1.020, CI 1.007-1.033), but not per 100 h cumulative use (HR 1.002, CI 0.999-1.005). No statistically significant increased hazard ratios were observed for other types of glioma.
The authors conclude that the present study strengthens the proposed causal association between use of mobile phones as well as cordless phones and glioma.

