Abstand zw. exponiertem Objekt und Expositionsquelle
12 cm
Plexiglas-Käfig (40 x 25 x 20 cm) in einem abgeschirmten Raum mit Temperatur-Kontrolle
ein Signal-Generator war mit einer Hornantenne verbunden, welche in einem Abstand von 12 cm zu den Köpfen der Ratten platziert wurde; die Richtung der Feld-Ausbreitung war senkrecht zum Plexiglas-Käfig
Hussein S et al.
Biochemical and histological studies on adverse effects of mobile phone radiation on rat's brain
Bodera P et al.
Influence of electromagnetic field (1800 MHz) on lipid peroxidation in brain, blood, liver and kidney in rats
Deshmukh PS et al.
Cognitive impairment and neurogenotoxic effects in rats exposed to low-intensity microwave radiation
Narayanan SN et al.
Evaluation of oxidant stress and antioxidant defense in discrete brain regions of rats exposed to 900 MHz radiation
Saikhedkar N et al.
Effects of mobile phone radiation (900 MHz radiofrequency) on structure and functions of rat brain
Akbari A et al.
Vitamin C protects rat cerebellum and encephalon from oxidative stress following exposure to radiofrequency wave generated by a BTS antenna model
Kesari KK et al.
Effect of 3G Cell Phone Exposure with Computer Controlled 2-D Stepper Motor on Non-thermal Activation of the hsp27/p38MAPK Stress Pathway in Rat Brain
Bilgici B et al.
Effect of 900 MHz radiofrequency radiation on oxidative stress in rat brain and serum
Deshmukh PS et al.
Detection of Low Level Microwave Radiation Induced Deoxyribonucleic Acid Damage Vis-a-vis Genotoxicity in Brain of Fischer Rats
Avci B et al.
Oxidative stress induced by 1.8 GHz radio frequency electromagnetic radiation and effects of garlic extract in rats
Dogan M et al.
Effects of electromagnetic radiation produced by 3G mobile phones on rat brains: Magnetic resonance spectroscopy, biochemical, and histopathological evaluation
Imge EB et al.
Effects of mobile phone use on brain tissue from the rat and a possible protective role of vitamin C - a preliminary study
Güler G et al.
The effect of radiofrequency radiation on DNA and lipid damage in non-pregnant and pregnant rabbits and their newborns
Dasdag S et al.
Effect of mobile phone exposure on apoptotic glial cells and status of oxidative stress in rat brain
Sokolovic D et al.
Melatonin reduces oxidative stress induced by chronic exposure of microwave radiation from mobile phones in rat brain
Meral I et al.
Effects of 900-MHz electromagnetic field emitted from cellular phone on brain oxidative stress and some vitamin levels of guinea pigs
Ferreira AR et al.
Oxidative stress effects on the central nervous system of rats after acute exposure to ultra high frequency electromagnetic fields
Koylu H et al.
Melatonin modulates 900 Mhz microwave-induced lipid peroxidation changes in rat brain
Lagroye I et al.
Measurement of DNA damage after acute exposure to pulsed-wave 2450 MHz microwaves in rat brain cells by two alkaline comet assay methods
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