Medizinische/biologische Studie
(experimentelle Studie)
Physiological variables and subjective symptoms by 60 Hz magnetic field in EHS and non-EHS persons
[Physiologische Variablen und subjektive Symptome durch 60 Hz-Magnetfelder bei EHS und Nicht-EHS-Personen]
Nam KC, Choi JL, Kwon MK, Jang KH, Kim DW
Veröffentlicht in: 2011 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Boston, MA, USA. IEEE, 2011: S. 1925-1928; ISBN 978-1-4577-1589-1
Abstand zw. exponiertem Objekt und Expositionsquelle
20 cm
20 cm high coil with a radius of 20 cm and 2000 turns of wire, covered with fabric; test person sitting on a chair with the coil 20 cm above the top of the head
Korea Institute of Energy Technology and Planning (KETEP), Korea
Ministry of Knowledge Economy (MKE), Korea
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