Die Ratten (24 pro Gruppe) wurden täglich bis zum Alter von 8 Wochen exponiert. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt wurden dann 6 Ratten aus jeder Gruppe histologisch untersucht, um mögliche Veränderungen der Gehirn-Morphologie zu bewerten. Die verbliebenen 18 Ratten pro Gruppe wurden für 4 weitere Wochen einer Reihe von Verhaltens-Tests unterzogen.
The exposure system used earlier [Heikkinen et al., 2006] was modified so that it consisted of only three chambers for sham, low dose and high dose exposure. The chambers consisted of two parallel circular aluminium plates (152 cm in diameter and 15 cm apart) short-circuited at the edges with RF-absorbing material attached inside to reduce reflections.
Twenty-four rat cages made of polycarbonate were placed symmetrically around the antenna near the edge of each chamber. The rats could move freely in their cages. Only eight rats (one rat in every third cage) were placed in each chamber, and cylindrical homogeneous flask phantoms (110 ml) were placed in the empty cages.
Heikkinen P et al.
No effects of radiofrequency radiation on 3-chloro-4-(dichloromethyl)-5-hydroxy-2(5H)-furanone-induced tumorigenesis in female Wistar rats
Finnish Research Programme HERMO (Health Risk Assessment of Mobile Communications), Finland
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