Abstand zw. exponiertem Objekt und Expositionsquelle
40 cm
The mobile phone was positioned at the head of the bed at a distance of 40 cm to the vertex of the subject and was operated from the neighbouring room via an extension lead.
After an adaptation night, polysomnographies were performed during two successive nights. Half of the subjects were exposed to the EMF on the first night and the other half on the second night (randomized and blinded).
Neben einem hypnotischen Effekt mit einer Verkürzung der Latenz des Schlaf-Beginns wurde eine hemmende Wirkung auf die schnelle Augenbewegung (REM, rapid eye movement) mit einer Verminderung der Dauer und des Prozentsatzes des REM-Schlafs gefunden. Eine Spektralanalyse deckte qualitative Änderungen des EEG-Signals während des REM-Schlafs mit einer erhöhten spektralenLeistungsflussdichte auf. Unter Berücksichtigung der Bedeutung des REM-Schlafs für angemessene Informationsprozesse im Gehirn, insbesondere das Gedächtnis betreffende Funktionen und Lernprozesse, unterstreichen die Ergebnisse die Notwendigkeit, weitere Untersuchungen zur Interaktion dieses Typs elektromagnetischer Felder und dem menschlichenOrganismus durchzuführen.
Danker-Hopfe H et al.
Effects of mobile phone exposure (GSM 900 and WCDMA/UMTS) on polysomnography based sleep quality: An intra- and inter-individual perspective
Lustenberger C et al.
Inter-individual and intra-individual variation of the effects of pulsed RF EMF exposure on the human sleep EEG
Schmid MR et al.
Sleep EEG alterations: effects of pulsed magnetic fields versus pulse-modulated radio frequency electromagnetic fields
Mohler E et al.
Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields and Sleep Quality: A Prospective Cohort Study
Schmid MR et al.
Sleep EEG alterations: effects of different pulse-modulated radio frequency electromagnetic fields
Lowden A et al.
Sleep after mobile phone exposure in subjects with mobile phone-related symptoms
Danker-Hopfe H et al.
Effects of electromagnetic fields emitted by mobile phones (GSM 900 and WCDMA/UMTS) on the macrostructure of sleep
Danker-Hopfe H et al.
Do mobile phone base stations affect sleep of residents? Results from an experimental double-blind sham-controlled field study
Hinrikus H et al.
Effect of low frequency modulated microwave exposure on human EEG: Individual sensitivity
Regel SJ et al.
Pulsed radio-frequency electromagnetic fields: dose-dependent effects on sleep, the sleep EEG and cognitive performance
Arnetz B et al.
The Effects of 884 MHz GSM Wireless Communication Signals on Self-reported Symptom and Sleep (EEG)- An Experimental Provocation Study
Leitgeb N
Untersuchung der Schlafqualität bei elektrosensiblen Anwohnern von Basisstationen unter häuslichen Bedingungen
Arnetz BB et al.
The Effects of 884 MHz GSM Wireless Communication Signals on Self-reported Symptom and Sleep (EEG)- An Experimental Provocation Study
Fritzer G et al.
Effects of short- and long-term pulsed radiofrequency electromagnetic fields on night sleep and cognitive functions in healthy subjects
Hutter HP et al.
Subjective symptoms, sleeping problems, and cognitive performance in subjects living near mobile phone base stations
Danker-Hopfe H et al.
Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields at Mobile Phone Frequencies on Sleep: Current State of Knowledge from Laboratory Studies
Röschke J
Editorial: The Influence of Electromagnetic Fields Emitted by Mobile Telecommunication Devices on Human Sleep
Wagner P et al.
The Influence of All-Night Exposure to Pulsed Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields on Human Sleep
Petrova EV et al.
Actions of pulsed ultra-broadband electromagnetic irradiation on the EEG and sleep in laboratory animals
Leitgeb N et al.
Untersuchung von Schlafstörungen in der Umgebung von Hochfrequenz-Sendeanlagen
Huber R et al.
Radio frequency electromagnetic field exposure in humans: Estimation of SAR distribution in the brain, effects on sleep and heart rate
Wagner P et al.
Human sleep EEG under the influence of pulsed radio frequency electromagnetic fields. Results from polysomnographies using submaximal high power flux densities
Huber R et al.
Exposure to pulsed high-frequency electromagnetic field during waking affects human sleep EEG
Borbely AA et al.
Pulsed high-frequency electromagnetic field affects human sleep and sleep electroencephalogram
Wagner P et al.
Human sleep under the influence of pulsed radiofrequency electromagnetic fields: a polysomnographic study using standardized conditions
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