Abstand zw. exponiertem Objekt und Expositionsquelle
1 m
during exposure rats were restrained in a closed box (30 cm x 20 cm x 15 cm) divided in 4 compartements with holes of 1 cm for ventilation; 6 rats were placed within the device in two such boxes simultaneously
GTEM cell was a pyramidal tapered, dual terminated section with outer cell dimension of 220 cm Œ 120 cm Œ 80 cm; microwave chamber was lined with absorbers to minimize reflections
Razavinasab M et al.
Maternal mobile phone exposure alters intrinsic electrophysiological properties of CA1 pyramidal neurons in rat offspring
Kazemi E et al.
Effect of 900 MHz Electromagnetic Radiation on the Induction of ROS in Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells
Furtado-Filho OV et al.
Effects of chronic exposure to 950 MHz ultra-high-frequency electromagnetic radiation on reactive oxygen species metabolism in the right and left cerebral cortex of young rats of different ages
Bodera P et al.
Influence of electromagnetic field (1800 MHz) on lipid peroxidation in brain, blood, liver and kidney in rats
Narayanan SN et al.
Possible cause for altered spatial cognition of prepubescent rats exposed to chronic radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation
Li HJ et al.
Alterations of cognitive function and 5-HT system in rats after long term microwave exposure
Marzook EM et al.
Protective role of sesame oil against mobile base station-induced oxidative stress
Maaroufi K et al.
Spatial learning, monoamines and oxidative stress in rats exposed to 900 MHz electromagnetic field in combination with iron overload
Hao D et al.
Effects of long-term electromagnetic field exposure on spatial learning and memory in rats
Ntzouni MP et al.
Transient and cumulative memory impairments induced by GSM 1.8 GHz cell phone signal in a mouse model
Megha K et al.
Microwave radiation induced oxidative stress, cognitive impairment and inflammation in brain of Fischer rats
Khirazova EE et al.
Effects of GSM-Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation on Some Physiological and Biochemical Parameters in Rats
Sokolovic D et al.
The effect of melatonin on body mass and behaviour of rats during an exposure to microwave radiation from mobile phone
Lu Y et al.
Glucose administration attenuates spatial memory deficits induced by chronic low-power-density microwave exposure
Daniels WM et al.
The effect of electromagnetic radiation in the mobile phone range on the behaviour of the rat
Nittby H et al.
Cognitive impairment in rats after long-term exposure to GSM-900 mobile phone radiation
Dubreuil D et al.
Head-only exposure to GSM 900-MHz electromagnetic fields does not alter rat's memory in spatial and non-spatial tasks
Dubreuil D et al.
Does head-only exposure to GSM-900 electromagnetic fields affect the performance of rats in spatial learning tasks?
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