Es sollte bestimmt werden, ob eine langfristige Exposition bei einem hochfrequenten 1.6 GHz die Inzidenz von Krebs bei Ratten beeinflusst. Ganzkörper-Fernfeld-ExpositionenträchtigerRatten wurden am Tag 19 nach der Gestation begonnen und nach der Geburt sowohl bei den Muttertieren wie bei den Jungtieren bis zur Entwöhnung (ungefähr im Alter von 23 Tagen) fortgesetzt. Die Nachkommenschaft der Muttertiere wurde für eine Nahfeld-Befeldung ausgewählt (aufgeteilt in männliche und weibliche Gruppen). Die Nahfeld-Expositionen wurden gestartet, als die Nachkommenschaft 36 +/- 1 Tage alt war und bis zum Alter von zwei Jahren fortgesetzt.
Abstand zw. exponiertem Objekt und Expositionsquelle
3 m
The exposure setup used a horizontal beam orientation in a flared plate design [Wilson et al., 2002]. The parallel-plate enclosure (2.48 m long) was lined with copper foil on top and bottom plates, and the sides were covered with pyramidal anechoic material. It was excited by a coaxial to waveguide adapter and provided for RF exposure (23 dB beam width) at the position of the animal cages in an area of 2.11 x 1.11 m at 3 to 3.5 m (approx. 12 λ) from the antenna, with a uniformity of better than 62.6 dB.
Eighteen standard rat cages (45.7 x 24.1 x 20.3 cm) containing single rats with their offspring were located in a box (1.45 x 2.40 x 1.60 m) covered on five of the interior walls with pyramidal or grooved anechoic material. The cages were arranged in three rows of six cages with their front surfaces in the plane of the parallel plate aperture. The sham system was installed in an adjoining room.
Whole-body far-field exposures were initiated at 19 days of gestation and continued for dams and pups after parturition until weaning at about 23 days of age. The animal groups were not exposed in a blinded fashion.
The exposure facility contained nine partially shielded double units each housing two near-field exposure carousels that were similar to those described by Moros et al. [1998]. RF absorbing material was placed around each exposure unit.
Ten animals per carousel were placed with their head first in cylindrical tubes arranged radially around a central antenna.
Six of the units were assigned to each of the three exposure conditions that were rotated every six weeks among the three zones. The animal groups were coded after far-field exposure so that near-field exposure and sham exposure were truly blind.
Wilson BW et al.
Space efficient system for small animal, whole body microwave exposure at 1.6 GHz
Adey WR et al.
Spontaneous and nitrosourea-induced primary tumors of the central nervous system in Fischer 344 rats chronically exposed to 836 MHz modulated microwaves
Moros EG et al.
A compact shielded exposure system for the simultaneous long-term UHF irradiation of forty small mammals: I. Electromagnetic and environmental design
Es wurden innerhalb der verschiedenen Behandlungs-Gruppen weder statistischsignifikante Unterschiede bei den lebenden Jungtieren/Würfen, der Überlebensrate und der Entwöhnungs-Gewichte aufgedeckt, noch gab es Unterschiede bei den klinischen Anzeichen oder den neoplastischenLäsionen. Der Prozentsätze der Ratten, die bis zum Ende der Nahfeld-Befeldung überlebten, waren innerhalb der männlichen Gruppen nicht unterschiedlich. In der weiblichen Gruppe wurde eine signifikante Abnahme der Überlebenszeit in der Käfig-Kontroll-Gruppe gefunden.
Falcioni L et al.
Report of final results regarding brain and heart tumors in Sprague-Dawley rats exposed from prenatal life until natural death to mobile phone radiofrequency field representative of a 1.8 GHz GSM base station environmental emission
Jin YB et al.
One-year, simultaneous combined exposure of CDMA and WCDMA radiofrequency electromagnetic fields to rats
Saran A et al.
Effects of exposure of newborn patched1 heterozygous mice to GSM, 900 MHz
Shirai T et al.
Lack of promoting effects of chronic exposure to 1.95-GHz W-CDMA signals for IMT-2000 cellular system on development of N-ethylnitrosourea-induced central nervous system tumors in F344 rats
Zook BC et al.
The effects of pulsed 860 MHz radiofrequency radiation on the promotion of neurogenic tumors in rats
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