研究のタイプ: 医学/生物学の研究 (observational study)

[健康な男性の免疫系及び血液学的パラメータに対する50 Hz磁界ばく露の長期的(最大20年)影響] med./bio.

Long-term (up to 20 years) effects of 50-Hz magnetic field exposure on immune system and hematological parameters in healthy men

掲載誌: Clin Biochem 2013; 46 (1-2): 59-63

この研究は、15人の男性のばく露ボランティア被験者(1-20年間、職場および自宅で50Hz磁界慢性的に毎日ばく露した人:1週間のばく露幾何平均値は0.1~2.6 μT。)の免疫系及び血液学的パラメータを15人の男性の非ばく露ボランティア(年齢をマッチ。ばく露群と同様の身体的活動度。磁界ばく露は0.004~0.092 μT。)のものと比較した。検査項目は、赤血球ヘモグロビン・ヘマトクリット・血小板平均血小板容積・総白血球リンパ球単球好酸球好塩基球好中球Ig (免疫グロブリン) A, IgM, IgG, CD (分化抗原群) 3, CD4, CD8, ナチュラルキラー細胞B細胞・total CD28・CD8+・ CD28+・活性化T細胞ILインターロイキン)-2・IL-6・IL-2レセプタで、20時から翌朝8時まで1時間毎に採血した。その結果、ばく露ボランティア群の免疫系及び血液学的パラメータのレベルおよびパターンには非ばく露群と何も違いがなかった、と報告している。

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To study the effects of an exposure to electromagnetic fields in workers chronically exposed to electromagnetic fields both at work and at home (between 1 and 20 years duration) on immunological-hematological parameters (q.v. Touitou et al. 2012).


The exposed volunteers (n=15) worked in substations and their main tasks included installing couplings between extra high voltage lines and voltage transformers. Moreover, the exposed subjects lived near the substations.
None of the controls had a professional position that could have resulted in occupational exposure to magnetic fields. They were subjected only to the normal electromagnetic fields of our daily environment.
All subjects were synchronized with daytime activity from 7:00 h to 23:00 h and nocturnal rest.
Blood samples were taken hourly from 20.00 h -8:00 h.



ばく露 パラメータ
ばく露1: 50 Hz
ばく露時間: continuous for up to 20 years (10 workers: 7-20 years; 5 workers: 1-4 years)


周波数 50 Hz
ばく露時間 continuous for up to 20 years (10 workers: 7-20 years; 5 workers: 1-4 years)
  • substations (occupational exposure) and power lines (residential exposure)
Additional information extra high voltage substations (occupational) and power lines (residential exposure) of a 225 kV and 400 kV electricity transmission network
測定量 種別 Method Mass 備考
磁束密度 0.72 µT mean 計算値 - of 15 workers
磁束密度 0.64 µT mean 計算値 - daytime (occupational exposure)
磁束密度 0.82 µT mean 計算値 - nighttime (residential)
磁束密度 2.6 µT maximum 測定値 - geometric mean (individual exposure)


方法 影響評価項目/測定パラメータ/方法

  • 免疫
  • hematological system
  • ばく露中


The data showed that a long-term chronic exposure to 50 Hz magnetic fields did not affect the hematological and immune system functions or their profiles in healthy men, at least for the variables studied. Thus, the data suggest that magnetic fields have no cumulative effects on these functions.


