Medizinische/biologische Studie
(experimentelle Studie)
Toxicologic study of electromagnetic radiation emitted by television and video display screens and cellular telephones on chickens and mice
[Toxikologische Untersuchung der von Fernseh- und Video-Bildschirmen sowie Mobiltelefonen ausgesandten elektromagnetischen Felder an Hühnern und Mäusen]
Bastide M, Youbicier-Simo BJ, Lebecq JC, Giaimis J
Veröffentlicht in: Indoor Built Environ 2001; 10: 291-298
the phone sent an automatic call every minute; for eggs: mobile phone was placed in the center of the plate supporting the eggs at a height of 10 cm and 5 cm from the surface of the eggs with its front side facing them; for mice: phone was placed 4 cm below their cage; room temperature for mice was 22°C
addition to setup E1: an earthed copper gauze of 0.47 m x 0.57 m and mesh diameter of 350 pm was interposed between eggs or the mice and the mobile phone; grid did not touch the animals but was placed 1 cm from the eggs or the mice
whole spectrum of electromagnetic waves including radio frequencies, infrared frequencies, microwaves and X-rays but mostly visible light, very low frequency and extremely low frequency radiation
Thompson, D 55 cm, 55MxP83, 75 W; eggs or the young chickens were located between 50 and 80 cm from the screen; TV was turned on but covered with a black screen to cut off the light
whole spectrum of electromagnetic waves including radio frequencies, infrared frequencies, microwaves and X-rays but mostly visible light, very low frequency and extremely low frequency radiation
Goupil G5 286 10; eggs or the young chickens were located between 50 and 80 cm from the screen, facing the side of the apparatus; screen was turned on but covered with a black screen to cut off the light
Youbicier-Simo BJ et al.
Biological effects of continuous exposure of embryos and young chickens to electromagnetic fields emitted by video display units
Wirkungen auf den Embryo/Fötus: Mortalität bei Hühner-Embryonen (nach 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 und 21 Tagen; Durchleuchtung der Eier)
Wirkungen auf das Immunsystem: Menge an anti-Schweine-Thyroglobulin IgG-Antikörpern in Hühnern (nach 20, 29, 35, 38 und 47 Tagen; Immunisierung mit Schweine-Thyroglobulin, ELISA)
Woelders H et al.
Study of potential health effects of electromagnetic fields of telephony and Wi-Fi, using chicken embryo development as animal model
Lerchl A et al.
Tumor promotion by exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields below exposure limits for humans
Koyu A et al.
Effects of 900MHz electromagnetic field on TSH and thyroid hormones in rats
Shams Lahijani M et al.
Development of preincubated chicken eggs following exposure to 50 Hz electromagnetic fields with 1.33-7.32 mT flux densities
Shams Lahijani M et al.
Teratogenic effects of sinusoidal extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields on morphology of 24 hr chick embryos
Shams Lahijani M et al.
Teratogenic effects on morphology and skeletal structure of chick embryos after exposure to 50 Hz sinusoidal electromagnetic fields
Ubeda A et al.
Chick embryo development can be irreversibly altered by early exposure to weak extremely-low-frequency magnetic fields
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