In der vorliegenden Studie wurde eine zusätzliche Analyse von Daten aus einer früheren Studie durchgeführt (Parazzini 2007). Das autonome Nervensystem wurde unter Ruhe-Bedingung (Vagus-Prävalenz; 13 Minuten auf einem Bett liegend) und nach einer Sympathikus-Aktivierung (Stand; nach dem Liegen auf einem Bett wurde die Testperson aufgefordert, aufzustehen,- ebenfalls für 13 Minuten) bewertet. Die Testpersonen wurden exponiert oder schein-exponiert (mindestens mit einem Abstand von 24 h).
A phone positioning system (headband, adjustable arm, and phone holder) made of non-metallic plastic materials held the phone on the subject's dominant-hand side so that its longitudinal axis followed an imaginary line from the entrance to the ear canal to the corner of the mouth, in accordance with the "touch position" of CENELEC standard EN 50361 [2002].
Ekici B et al.
The effects of the duration of mobile phone use on heart rate variability parameters in healthy subjects
Umar ZU et al.
Effect of mobile phone radiofrequency electromagnetic fields on cardiovascular parameters in apparently healthy individuals
Devasia T et al.
Acute Effect of Mobile Phone on Cardiac Electrical Activity in Healthy Volunteers
Alhusseiny A et al.
Electromagnetic energy radiated from mobile phone alters electrocardiographic records of patients with ischemic heart disease
Barutcu I et al.
Do Mobile Phones Pose a Potential Risk to Autonomic Modulation of the Heart?
Yilmaz D et al.
Analysis of the mobile phone effect on the heart rate variability by using the largest Lyapunov exponent
Havas M et al.
Provocation study using heart rate variability shows microwave radiation from 2.4 GHz cordless phone affects autonomic nervous system
Andrzejak R et al.
The influence of the call with a mobile phone on heart rate variability parameters in healthy volunteers
Huber R et al.
Radio frequency electromagnetic field exposure in humans: Estimation of SAR distribution in the brain, effects on sleep and heart rate
Braune S et al.
Influence of a radiofrequency electromagnetic field on cardiovascular and hormonal parameters of the autonomic nervous system in healthy individuals
Mann K et al.
No effects of pulsed high-frequency electromagnetic fields on heart rate variability during human sleep
Braune S et al.
Resting blood pressure increase during exposure to a radio-frequency electromagnetic field
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