Medizinische/biologische Studie
(experimentelle Studie)
GSM 900 MHz cellular phone radiation can either stimulate or depress early embryogenesis in Japanese quails depending on the duration of exposure
[GSM 900 MHz Mobiltelefon-Befeldung kann die frühe Embryogenese bei Japanischen Wachteln entweder stimulieren oder unterdrücken in Abhängigkeit von der Expositionsdauer]
Tsybulin O, Sidorik E, Brieieva O, Buchynska L, Kyrylenko S, Henshel D, Yakymenko I
Veröffentlicht in: Int J Radiat Biol 2013; 89 (9): 756-763
Vier Gruppen an befruchteten Eiern wurden untersucht (n=10-12 pro Gruppe): 1.) Kontrollgruppe, 38 Stunden Bebrütung, 2.) Exposition während 38 h Bebrütung, 3.) Kontrollgruppe, 120 Stunden bei Raumtemperatur, dann 38 Stunden Bebrütung (gesamt 158 Stunden) und 4.) Exposition während 120 Stunden Raumtemperatur, dann während 38 Stunden Bebrütung (gesamt 158 Stunden). Die Bebrütung fand in Inkubatoren (38°C) statt. Die Kontrollgruppen und die Expositions-Gruppen wurden zeitgleich bebrütet, allerdings waren die Kontroll-Eier in 6 Lagen Aluminiumfolie eingewickelt, um die Felder abzuschirmen.
laboratory incubator (metal covers from the door and the sides removed and replaced by plastic covers); temperature 38.3±0.2°C, relative humidity 60%
eggs placed on horizontal trays; cell phone positioned on a plastic stand inside the incubator at a distance of 3 cm from the eggs; unexposed eggs placed inside the same incubator at a distance of 10 cm from the exposed eggs and shielded by 6 layer of an aluminum foil (each foil was 0.03 mm thick); cell phone kept in connecting mode by auto-redial; each connecting attempt lasted 48 s; distance between the phone and the eggs: 3 cm - 10 cm
Batellier F et al.
Effects of exposing chicken eggs to a cell phone in "call" position over the entire incubation period
Xenos TD et al.
5.6 Low power density RF-radiation effects on experimental animal embryos and foetuses
Saito K et al.
Maldevelopment of early chick embryos induced by nonthermogenic dose radio frequency radiation at 428 MHz for the first 48 hours
Saito K et al.
Lethal and teratogenic effects of long-term low-intensity radio frequency radiation at 428 MHz on developing chick embryo
Spiers DE et al.
Thermal and metabolic responsiveness of Japanese quail embryos following periodic exposure to 2,450 MHz microwaves
Byman D et al.
Effect of microwave irradiation (2.45 GHz, CW) on egg weight loss, egg hatchability, and hatchling growth of the Coturnix quail
Inouye M et al.
Effects of 2.45 GHz microwave radiation on the development of Japanese quail cerebellum
McRee DI et al.
Exposure of Japanese quail embryos to 2.45-GHz microwave radiation during development
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