The effect of 50 Hz sinusoidal electric and/or magnetic fields on the rate of repair of DNA single/double strand breaks in oxidatively injured cells
[Die Wirkung von 50 Hz sinusförmigen elektrischen und/oder magnetischen Feldern auf die Reparaturrate von DNA Einzel-/Doppelstrangbrüchen in oxidativ geschädigten Zellen]
Cantoni O, Sestili P, Fiorani M, Dacha M
Veröffentlicht in: Biochem Mol Biol Int 1995; 37 (4): 681-689
Lai H et al.
Magnetic-field-induced DNA strand breaks in brain cells of the rat
Robison JG et al.
Decreased DNA repair rates and protection from heat induced apoptosis mediated by electromagnetic field exposure
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