Medizinische/biologische Studie
(experimentelle Studie)
Assessment of potential short-term effects of intermittent UMTS electromagnetic fields on blood circulation in an exploratory study, using near-infrared imaging
[Abschätzung möglicher kurzzeitiger Wirkungen von intermittierenden elektromagnetischen UMTS-Feldern auf die Blut-Zirkulation in einer Forschungsstudie unter Verwendung von Nahinfrarot-Bildgebung]
Spichtig S, Scholkmann F, Chin L, Lehmann H, Wolf M
Veröffentlicht in: Wolf M, Bucher HU, Rudin M, Van Huffel S, Wolf U, Bruley DF, Harrison DK (Hrsg.): Oxygen Transport to Tissue XXXIII. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Band 737; Springer, New York, 2012; S. 83-88; ISBN 978-1-4614-1565-7
Rechtshändige, männliche Testpersonen (n=8) wurden acht Messungen an unterschiedlichen Tagen unterzogen. Eine Messung bestand aus 15 Zyklen mit Expositions- und Erholungsphasen.
absorber walls arranged around the subject's bench exposure took place in two positions: 1) close to the ear of the test person 2) at point B-C3 in the international 10-20 EEG positioning system
Lehmann H et al.
Head exposure system for a human provocation study to assess the possible influence of UMTS-like electromagnetic fields on cerebral blood circulation using near-infrared imaging
Zwamborn APM et al.
Effects of Global Communication system radio-frequency fields on Well Being and Cognitive Functions of human subjects with and without subjective complaints
Lv B et al.
The alteration of spontaneous low frequency oscillations caused by acute electromagnetic fields exposure
Spichtig S et al.
Assessment of intermittent UMTS electromagnetic field effects on blood circulation in the human auditory region using a near-infrared system
Kwon MS et al.
No effects of short-term GSM mobile phone radiation on cerebral blood flow measured using positron emission tomography
Wolf M et al.
Do GSM 900 MHz signals affect cerebral blood circulation? A near-infrared spectrophotometry study
Huber R et al.
Exposure to pulse-modulated radio frequency electromagnetic fields affects regional cerebral blood flow
Haarala C et al.
Effects of a 902 MHz mobile phone on cerebral blood flow in humans: a PET study
Huber R et al.
Electromagnetic fields, such as those from mobile phones, alter regional cerebral blood flow and sleep and waking EEG
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