Medizinische/biologische Studie
(experimentelle Studie)
Superimposition of an Incoherent Magnetic Field Eliminated the Inhibition of Hormone Secretion Induced by a 50-Hz Magnetic Field in Human Villous Trophoblasts in vitro
[Überlagerung eines inkohärenten Magnetfelds unterdrückte die Hemmung der Hormon-Sekretion, die durch ein 50 Hz-Magnetfeld in menschlichen villösen Trophoblasten in vitro induziert wurde]
Sun W, Tan Q, Pan Y, Fu Y, Zhang D, Lu D, Chiang H
three groups of 36 cm x 36 cm square copper coils placed in a metal iron container inside an incubator; upper and lower coils consisting of 168 turns, middle coil with 60 turns; coils connected in series and positioned 8 cm apart from each other; culture dishes placed in a 10 cm x 10 cm x 10 cm exposure area inside the coil system where the magnetic field was uniform
three groups of 36 cm x 36 cm square copper coils which were double wrapped in two lines of copper wire placed inside an incubator; only one coil used in this experiment
three groups of 36 cm x 36 cm square copper coils which were double wrapped in two lines of copper wire placed inside an incubator; one coil used for the incoherent voltage input, the other for the sinusoidal power input
Sun W et al.
An incoherent magnetic field inhibited EGF receptor clustering and phosphorylation induced by a 50-Hz magnetic field in cultured FL cells
Project Foundation of Science and Technology, Department of Zhejiang Province, China
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