Es sollten die Wirkungen extrem niederfrequenter elektromagnetischer Felder auf die peripheren Blut-Lymphozyten des Menschen und Hefe untersucht werden.
Exposition | Parameter |
Exposition 1:
50 Hz
kontinuierlich für 18 Stunden
Frequenz | 50 Hz |
Typ | |
Signalform |
Expositionsdauer | kontinuierlich für 18 Stunden |
Zusatzinfo | reference article: D. Andreuccetti, M. Bini, A. Ignesti, R. Olmi, S. Priori and R. Vanni, Helmholtz coils for the generation of standard magnetic fields in biological applications. Proceedings of the VII National Congress of the AIFB, Monte Conero, Ancona (Italy), June 1992. Phys. Med. IX (Suppl. 1), 283-285 (1993). |
Expositionsquelle |
Aufbau | The HC-50 exposure system consisted of a Helmholtz pair system comprising two parallel, coaxial, circular coils having a diameter of 40.6 cm. The distance between coils was equal to their radius (20.3 cm). Each coil was made up of 16 turns of 0.5-mm-thick enamelled copper wire. The two coils were connected in series so that the same current flowed in both. The field strength was regulated by varying the drive current supplied by an adjustable power unit allowing the HC-50 to produce a 50 Hz magnetic flux density varying from 1 to more than 150 µT. |
Zusatzinfo | Each lymphocyte population was divided into two aliquots. The exposed cell aliquots were incubated at the desired field intensity in a cell incubator containing the HC-50 Helmholtz coil system, and the unexposed cell aliquots were placed in a second incubator used in parallel. As an additional control, some experiments were performed by reversing the current in one of the coils in the HC-50 (sham exposure). |
Messgröße | Wert | Typ | Methode | Masse | Bemerkungen |
magnetische Flussdichte | 0,1 µT | - | gemessen | - | - |
magnetische Flussdichte | 1 µT | - | Kalibrierung | - | - |
magnetische Flussdichte | 10 µT | - | Kalibrierung | - | - |
magnetische Flussdichte | 100 µT | - | Kalibrierung | - | - |
Nach der Exposition bei dem elektromagnetischen Feld wurde kein Anstieg bei der Menge der Strangbrüche oder oxidierter DNA-Basen im Vergleich zu den Kontrollen beobachtet, ebenso keine Veränderung der Genexpressions-Profile. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass extrem niederfrequente elektromagnetische Felder keinen DNA-Schaden hervorrufen oder die Genexpression in diesen beiden eukaryotischen Zell-Systemen nicht beeinträchtigen.
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