Ziel der Studie war der Nachweis der Hypothese, dass schwache Netzfrequenz-Magnetfelder die Anzahl der freien Sauerstoff-Radikale in lebenden Zellen beeinflussen und dass diese Veränderungen qualitativ durch den Mechanismus der Radikal-Paarung erklärt werden können. Eisen-Ionen (FeCl2) wurden zur Stimulierung der Oxidations-Prozesse genutzt.
Suspensions in a water bath were placed inside the coils with the temperature maintained at 37°C
The axis of Helmholtz coils was along or crosswise to the vertical component of the geomagnetic field. An identical water bath with control samples was placed in the natural static magnetic field of about 50 µT.
Calcabrini C et al.
Effect of extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields on antioxidant activity in the human keratinocyte cell line NCTC 2544
Lewicka M et al.
The impact of electromagnetic radiation of different parameters on platelet oxygen metabolism - in vitro studies
Cho S et al.
Enhanced cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of gadolinium following ELF-EMF irradiation in human lymphocytes
Hong MN et al.
Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Fields Do Not Elicit Oxidative Stress in MCF10A Cells
Henrykowska G et al.
The effect of 50 Hz magnetic field of different shape on oxygen metabolism in blood platelets: in vitro studies
Falone S et al.
Fifty hertz extremely low-frequency electromagnetic field causes changes in redox and differentiative status in neuroblastoma cells
Güler G et al.
Electric field effects on Guinea pig serum: the role of free radicals
Bediz CS et al.
Zinc supplementation ameliorates electromagnetic field-induced lipid peroxidation in the rat brain
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