Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH; Bundesamt für Gesundheit), Switzerland
Themenverwandte Artikel
Kim DW et al.
Origins of electromagnetic hypersensitivity to 60 Hz magnetic fields: A provocation study
Tseng MMC et al.
Prevalence and psychiatric comorbidity of self-reported electromagnetic field sensitivity in Taiwan: A population-based study
Danker-Hopfe H et al.
Do mobile phone base stations affect sleep of residents? Results from an experimental double-blind sham-controlled field study
Röösli M et al.
Sense and sensibility in the context of radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposure
Dahmen N et al.
Blood laboratory findings in patients suffering from self-perceived electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS)
Hillert L et al.
The effects of 884 MHz GSM wireless communication signals on headache and other symptoms: an experimental provocation study
Schreier N et al.
The prevalence of symptoms attributed to electromagnetic field exposure: a cross-sectional representative survey in Switzerland
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