Es sollten die Wirkungen extrem niederfrequenter Magnetfelder mit der größten Leistung bei Frequenzen zwischen 0 und 500 Hz auf das menschliche EEG untersucht werden.
Exposition | Parameter |
Exposition 1:
0–500 Hz
Frequenz | 0–500 Hz |
Typ | |
Signalform | |
Expositionsdauer | intermittierend für 15 min, siehe Modulation |
Zusatzinfo | The power content was extremely low above 500 Hz with most of the power content below 300 Hz. |
Modulationsart | gepulst |
Anstiegszeit | 1 ms |
Pulsart | biphasisch |
Zusatzinfo |
The (patented) pulsed MF design was made of individual pulses, each of which a doublet, combined in an 853 ms segment including 18 pulses. Each pulse had a maximum rise time of 1 ms resulting in a maximum time changing MF of 0.4 T/s. In between segments were varying refractory periods of 110, 220, 330 ms followed by a longer fourth refractory period of 1200 ms after which another pulse segment of 853 ms began. This pattern was repeated for 15 min. |
Expositionsquelle | |
Kammer | The MF exposure system [Thomas et al., 2001] consisted of three orthogonal square Helmholtz-like coil pairs with 2, 1.75, and 1.5 m sides (10 turns of 8-gauge stranded conductor per coil with an incorporated high temperature, non-conductive cooling/heating tube wound on Lexan® frames). During exposure, only the vertical coil pair was driven by a constant current amplifier via a digital to analog converter; all other coils were unpowered. During sham exposure, the amplifiers were on but there was no signal. |
Aufbau | Subjects were fitted with the EEG recording apparatus (cap) and seated within the exposure system. They were instructed to relax, but to not fall asleep. |
Schein-Exposition | Eine Schein-Exposition wurde durchgeführt. |
Zusatzinfo | Twenty subjects received both an MF and a sham session approx. 1 week apart, in a random, counterbalanced, cross-over design. The experiment consisted of 5 min of pre-exposure baseline EEG followed by either 15 min of MF or sham exposure. Due to the interference of the pulsed MF with the recording, EEG was sampled approximately 7 s after the end of the MF or sham condition. |
Messgröße | Wert | Typ | Methode | Masse | Bemerkungen |
magnetische Flussdichte | 200 µT | Spitzenwert | gemessen | - | biphasic |
Es wurde gezeigt, das die Exposition bei einem spezifisch gepulsten extrem niederfrequenten Magnetfeld im Vergleich zur Schein-Exposition zu einer höheren Alphawellen-Aktivität (8-13 Hz) im Ruhe-EEG führt.
Die Autoren weisen darauf hin, dass dieses Ergebnis eine nicht-spezifische physiologische Reaktion auf gepulste Magnetfelder sein könnte.
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