研究のタイプ: 医学/生物学の研究 (experimental study)

[超低周波磁界にばく露したニホンウズラの胚における胚外血管新生のフラクタル分析] med./bio.

Fractal analysis of extra-embryonic vascularization in Japanese quail embryos exposed to extremely low frequency magnetic fields

掲載誌: Bioelectromagnetics 2013; 34 (2): 114-121

この研究は、ニホンウズラの胚に超低周波磁界ばく露(60 Hz、1 mT )を与え、卵黄嚢膜(YSM)上の血管の成長をフラクタル分析した。具体的には、ボックスカウント法によるフラクタル次元(Dbc )と情報量次元(Dinf )を計算して、血管網の成長を記述し、評価した。磁界ばく露は孵卵開始後48時間から72時間までの24時間に行われ、ばく露プロトコルは、1時間セッション(7時間休止して、24時間に3回、計3時間ばく露)、2時間セッション(6時間休止して、24時間に3回、計6時間ばく露)、3時間セッション(5時間休止して、24時間に3回、計9時間ばく露)、4時間セッション(4時間休止して、24時間に3回、計12時間ばく露)、24時間セッション(24時間連続ばく露)とした。孵卵開始後72時間および96時間で血管網の成長を調べた。その結果、72時間後の検査では、2および3時間セッション群で、血管形成が阻害された;これより短いばく露セッション群または長いばく露セッション群では変化が見られなかった;72時間後から96時間までの血管網形成にはばく露時間にかかわらず変化はなかった、と報告している。

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To examine the effect of an exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields on the development of blood vessels of the yolk sac membrane in quail embryos.


The eggs were incubated (37.5°C) for 96 hours. On the second day of incubation, a small window was cut into the egg shell and covered with a special foil, hence the vascular network could be photographed. Exposure started after an incubation period of 48 hours. Observations were performed after 72 and 96 hours.
6 groups of eggs were examined: 1.) control group (n=7), 2.) 3 x 1 h exposure daily with a 7 h interval between exposures (n=6), 3.) 3 x 2 h exposure daily with a 6 h interval between exposures (n=7), 4.) 3 x 3 h exposure daily with a 5 h interval between exposures (n=14), 5.) 3 x 4 h daily with a 4 h interval between exposures (n=10) and 6.) continuous for 24 h daily (n=15).



ばく露 パラメータ
ばく露1: 60 Hz
ばく露時間: intermittent for 3, 6, 9, 12 or 24 h/day for 2 days (see add. information)
  • 磁束密度: 1.13 mT effective value (in the coil's center)
  • 磁束密度: 0.9 mT effective value (at the coil's edge)


周波数 60 Hz
  • magnetic field
  • sinusoidal
ばく露時間 intermittent for 3, 6, 9, 12 or 24 h/day for 2 days (see add. information)
ばく露装置の詳細 pair of Helmholtz coils with a diameter of 38 cm and 154 turns of wire each; connected in parallel; eggs placed in an incubator along the horizontal axis between the coils
Additional information exposure time: group I: 3 x 1 h/day with a 7 h interval between exposures group II: 3 x 2 h/day with a 6 h interval between exposures group III: 3 x 3 h/day with a 5 h interval between exposures group IV: 3 x 4 h/day with a 4 h interval between exposures group V: continuous for 24 h/day
測定量 種別 Method Mass 備考
磁束密度 1.13 mT effective value 測定値 - in the coil's center
磁束密度 0.9 mT effective value 測定値 - at the coil's edge


方法 影響評価項目/測定パラメータ/方法

  • ばく露中
  • ばく露後


In the groups exposed for 3 x 2 h/day and 3 x 3 h/day (groups 3 and 4), the development of the vascular network was inhibited after 72 hours of incubation compared to the control group. No differences between the groups were detected after an incubation time of 96 hours.
The authors conclude that exposure to an extremely low frequency magnetic field could influence the development of blood vessels in a window effect.


