この細胞研究は、無線周波数電磁界に対するヒト乳腺上皮細胞MCF10Aの細胞ストレス応答を種々のばく露条件について調べた。ばく露条件は、CDMAまたはCDMA+広帯域CDMAの4時間ばく露、または同じものの2時間ばく露をそれぞれ3日連続した。SARはCDMA単独では4.0 W/kg、CDMA+広帯域CDMAでは各2.0 W/kg で合計4.0 W/kgとした。特定の熱ショックタンパク(HSP)の発現レベルとリン酸化状態、分裂促進因子活性化タンパク質キナーゼ(MAPK)を分析した結果、熱ショックまたは電離放射線に対するストレス応答の最も敏感なマーカであるHSP27およびERK1/2のリン酸化における変化は、CDMA単独でもCDMA+広帯域CDMAでも見られなかった。HSP27およびERK1/2のリン酸化に有意な変化が無いことは、MCF10A細胞のHSP27およびERK1/2の活性化が引き起こされなかったことを示すと結論している。
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To analyse the cellular stress response in human breast epithelial cells exposed to combined radiofrequency irradiation.
First, an experimentwas conducted to find the most sensitive markers of cellular stress. Therefore, cells were stressed either by heat shock (39 °C, 41 °C or 43 °C) or ionizing radiation (0,2 oder 1 Gy). Analysis by Western Blot showed that the phosphorylated forms of the proteins Hsp27 and ERK1/2 were the most sensitive markers. Hence, these proteins were taken for further analysis.
For the main experiment four experimental groups were analysed:
1.) control group in incubator
2.) sham exposed
3.) exposure at 837 MHz (4 W/kg)
4.) exposure simultaneously at 837 MHz and 1950 MHz (each 2 W/kg, in total 4 W/kg). <brThe cells were exposed either four hours one day or two hours on three consecutive days. As a positive control MCF7 human breast carcinoma cells were incubated for 1 h at 43 °C and analysed afterwards.
周波数 | 837 MHz |
タイプ |
ばく露時間 | continuous for 4 h once or 2 h/day on 3 days |
Modulation type | cf. additional information |
Additional information |
ばく露の発生源/構造 |
ばく露装置の詳細 | 100 mm Petri dish containing the cells placed besides the conical antenna inside the Radial Transmission Line |
Sham exposure | A sham exposure was conducted. |
測定量 | 値 |
SAR | 4 W/kg |
Single or combined radiofrequency field exposure did not induce phosphorylation of ERK1/2 or Hsp27 in MCF10A cells. Additionally, the levels of ERK1/2 and Hsp27 remained unaltered. The same results were obtained inconsiderably whether the cells were exposed one time for four hours or two hours on three consecutive days.
These results suggest that exposure to neither single (836.5 MHz) nor combined (836.5 MHz and 1950 MHz) radiofrequency field irradiation stimulates a stress response in MCF10A cells under the examined conditions.