研究のタイプ: 医学/生物学の研究 (experimental study)

[神経細胞の活性酸素種レベルに対する無線周波放射の組合せばく露の影響] med./bio.

Effects of combined radiofrequency radiation exposure on levels of reactive oxygen species in neuronal cells

掲載誌: J Radiat Res 2014; 55 (2): 265-276

この研究は、神経細胞活性酸素種ROS)レベルに対する無線周波RF放射の組合せばく露(837 MHz CDMAと1950 MHz WCDMA)の影響を調べた。ばく露チェンバ内に試料の培養容器をおき、いずれもSAR値2 W/kgのCDMAとWCDMAのRF組合せばく露を2時間行った。用いた細胞株は、マウス神経芽細胞NIH3T3、ヒト神経膠腫細胞U87、ラット褐色細胞腫細胞PC12、ヒト神経芽細胞腫細胞SH-SY5Yである。また、RF組合せばく露と共にROS誘発剤(H2O2またはメナジオン)を与えた場合についても調べた。ROS誘発処置無しでの、培養対照群RF擬似ばく露群、RFばく露群は、ばく露終了後12時間まで、H2O2処置した3群は12時間まで、メナジオン処置した3群は3時間までROSレベルの時間変化を測定した。その結果、RF組合せばく露単独の場合、U87、PC12、SH-SY5Yでは、細胞内ROSレベルの時間的変化に一貫した影響は見られなかった;RF組合せばく露と共にROS誘発剤を用いた場合、ROS誘発剤単独の場合に比べて細胞内ROSレベルに統計学的に有意な変化はなかった、と報告している。

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To examine the effects of an exposure to combined radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (CDMA and WCDMA) on the level of reactive oxygen species in different neuronal cells.


Two experiments were performed. In the first experiment, the cells were treated as follows and the level of reactive oxygen species was analyzed: 1 a) incubator control group, 1 b) sham exposure, 1 c) exposure to CDMA and WCDMA. In the second experiment, cells were co-exposed to reactive oxygen species inducers (H2O2 and menadione) and the level of reactive oxygen species as well as the cell viability were determined: 2 a) incubator control group, 2 b) incubator control + H2O2 (0-1000 µM) or menadione (0-400 µM), 2 c) sham exposure + H2O2 (0-1000 µM) or menadione (0-400 µM) and 2 d) exposure to CDMA und WCDMA + H2O2 (0-1000 µM) or menadione (0-400 µM).
For the experiments, 3 different cancer cell lines (neuronal cells) were used (see "exposed system"). Additionally, NIH3T3 cells (mouse fibroblasts) were used as control cells. After the radiofrequency exposure, cells were analyzed at 1, 3, 6 and 12 h after H2O2 treatment or after 0.5, 1 and 3 hours after menadione treatment.



ばく露 パラメータ
ばく露1: 837–1,950 MHz
ばく露時間: continuous for 2 hours
combined exposure to CDMA and WCDMA
  • SAR: 2 W/kg (CDMA signal)
  • SAR: 2 W/kg (WCDMA signal)


周波数 837–1,950 MHz
  • electromagnetic field
ばく露時間 continuous for 2 hours
Additional information combined exposure to CDMA and WCDMA
  • radial transmission line exposure system
チャンバの詳細 8 petri dishes per exposure, temperature of exposure chamber: 37 ±0.3 °C (monitored twice per second), mixture of air and CO2 (5 % CO2 inside the chamber)
Sham exposure A sham exposure was conducted.
測定量 種別 Method Mass 備考
SAR 2 W/kg - - - CDMA signal
SAR 2 W/kg - - - WCDMA signal

Reference articles

  • Lee KY et al. (2011): [細胞周期とその調節タンパク質に対する無線周波放射への組合せばく露の影響]


方法 影響評価項目/測定パラメータ/方法

  • ばく露後


In the first experiment, no consistent significant differences occurred in the levels of reactive oxygen species over the time in the radiofrequency exposed neuronal cell lines compared to the corresponding incubator control group and the sham exposed cell cultures.
In the second experiment, the radiofrequency exposed neuronal cells with H2O2 or menadione showed no significant changes compared to cell cultures treated with H2O2 or menadione alone.
The data indicate that neither exposure to radiofrequency fields (CDMA and WCDMA) alone nor in combination with H2O2 or menadione alters the level of reactive oxygen species in neuronal cells.


