研究のタイプ: 医学/生物学の研究 (experimental study)

[子宮内および出生後早期のラットのWi-Fi信号へのばく露:血清免疫マーカのスクリーニングおよび妊娠の結末] med./bio.

In utero and early-life exposure of rats to a Wi-Fi signal: Screening of immune markers in sera and gestational outcome

掲載誌: Bioelectromagnetics 2012; 33 (5): 410-420

この研究は、ラットを用いた実験で、無線周波電磁界へのばく露子宮内および出生後に受けた幼若ラット血清中の免疫学的バイオマーカを評価した。妊娠中のラットは、反射反響チャンバ内で、2.45 GHz Wi-Fi信号への全身ばく露を、全身平均比吸収率SAR)が0、0.08、0.4、4 W / kg(それぞれn = 10、10、12、9)で、2時間/日、5日/週、妊娠6日目から21日目まで受けた。ばく露中、自由行動させた。さらに、母ラット1腹あたり3匹の新生仔が、出生から出生後35日まで、それぞれの母ラットと同じばく露を受けた。ケージ対照ラット(n = 11)とその新生仔についても同様に扱った。生後35日目に、すべての仔ラットを屠殺し、血清を採取した。損傷および/または病理学マーカに関連する15種の多様な抗原それぞれに対する抗体血清スクリーニングを、酵素結合免疫吸着測定法(ELISA)により実施した。また、Wi-Fi信号への子宮ばく露後の妊娠結果に関するデータとして、母ラットおよび仔ラットの体重、一腹あたりの出生数、生後の幼若マウスでの生殖異常を調べた。その結果、いずれのバイオマーカについても、SARレベルに関係なく、幼若ラットの体液性応答に変化は見られなかった;ばく露後の出産および新生仔の全身状態に関する悪影響は検出されなかった、と報告している。

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To test the hypothesis that exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields may impact the production of neoantigens in developing organisms, the authors investigated sera of young rats exposed from the gestational period until sexual maturity.


The period of exposure (from the 6th gestational day to 5 weeks postnatal) covered development of the immune system mainly occurring in utero and its maturation postnatal.
Pregnant rats were exposed at different specific absorption rates (each exposure condition 10-12 rats). Dams were exposed from days 6 to 21 of gestation and together with three newborns (two males, one female) per litter from birth until weaning (postnatal day 21). Then, dams were removed and the three pups were exposed from day 21 until postanatal day 35. On day 35 after birth, all pups were sacrificed and sera collected. One male per litter was used to obtain serum samples (sham exposure group: n=10; 0.08 W/kg group: n=10; 0.4 W/kg group: n=12; 4 W/kg group: n=9 and cage control: n=11).
Positive controls were performed by using an arthritis rat model using Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37RA in male Wistar rats (n=3).



ばく露 パラメータ
ばく露1: 2.45 GHz
ばく露時間: continuous 2h/day, 5 days/week from day 6 to 21 of gestation (pregnant dam) and from day 1 to 35 (pups) postnatal
  • SAR: 4 W/kg average over mass (whole body) (11 dams)
  • SAR: 0.4 W/kg average over mass (whole body) (12 dams)
  • SAR: 0.08 W/kg average over mass (whole body) (10 dams)
  • SAR: 0 W/kg average over mass (whole body) (10 dams)
  • SAR: 9 W/kg maximum (whole body) (+/- 3 W/kg; max. SAR of pups)


周波数 2.45 GHz
  • electromagnetic field
ばく露時間 continuous 2h/day, 5 days/week from day 6 to 21 of gestation (pregnant dam) and from day 1 to 35 (pups) postnatal
チャンバの詳細 cubic reverberation chamber (150 cm x 150 cm x 150 cm) with six antennas, respectively one in the middle of each side of the cube
ばく露装置の詳細 the six antennas were activated at random; three stirrers used for mode mixing to obtain symmetrical and uniform exposure; WiFi-signal was amplified by a 70 W power amplifier to reach the different SAR values
Sham exposure A sham exposure was conducted.
Additional information four animal cages with the exposure groups were placed in a 40 cm x 40 cm x 40 cm volume at the centre of the chamber
測定量 種別 Method Mass 備考
SAR 4 W/kg average over mass 測定値および計算値 whole body 11 dams
SAR 0.4 W/kg average over mass 測定値および計算値 whole body 12 dams
SAR 0.08 W/kg average over mass 測定値および計算値 whole body 10 dams
SAR 0 W/kg average over mass 測定値および計算値 whole body 10 dams
SAR 9 W/kg maximum 計算値 whole body +/- 3 W/kg; max. SAR of pups

Reference articles

  • Wu T et al. (2010): [2.4GHzで動作する反響チャンバでの新生仔および若年のラットの全身ばく露評価]


方法 影響評価項目/測定パラメータ/方法

  • ばく露中
  • ばく露後


Under these experimental conditions, whole-body in utero and extended postnatal exposure of rats to a WiFi signal at SAR levels up to 4 W/kg for the dams and transiently up to 9 W/kg for the pups had no detectable effects on the production of immunoglobulins directed against the selected antigens related to several pathological processes or on the gestational outcome (i.e. number of pups per litter, body weights of pups).


