この研究は、アレルゲン特異的IgE産生に対する携帯電話からのマイクロ波ばく露の影響を調べた。軽度のアレルギー性湿疹/皮膚炎 症候群(AEDS)患者30人(女性15人、男性15人、平均年齢28歳、範囲22–32歳)を調査対象とした。実験は、著者の診療クリニックの待合室で実施された。ランダムに割り当てられた15人は、市販の携帯電話(SAR = 1.62:送信モード、音声なし)を30分間右耳に当てながら気象情報ビデオを視聴した。2週間後、彼らは同じ携帯電話(電源オフ)を右耳に30分間当てながら天気情報ビデオを視聴した。他の15人は最初に擬似ばく露実験、2週間後にマイクロ波ばく露実験を実施した。被験者はばく露条件についてブラインド化された。各実験の直前と直後に採血を行い、各アレルゲン特異的IgE産生、サイトカイン産生を測定した。統計分析は、ボンフェロンニの補正を用いて、ANOVAで行われた。その結果、擬似ばく露実験ではアレルゲン特異的IgE産生への影響は見られなかったが、ばく露実験ではアレルゲン特異的IgE産生が有意に増加した;この増加は、患者の持つアレルギーのアレルゲン選択的であった、と報告している。
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To study the effects of microwave irradiation from cellular phones on allergen-specific IgE production.
30 AEDS patients (atopic eczema/dermatitis syndrome) were studied. The patients were treated with application of mixture of pinetar and zinc oxide ointment, but without oral medication. All patients were positive for latex, but not to Japanese cedar pollen.
Normal subjects were also investigated.
ばく露 | パラメータ |
800 MHz
continuous for 30 min
Details on frequency range and modulation were not provided in the article. They were obtained from the mobile phone specifications (Toshiba C5001T).
周波数 | 800 MHz |
タイプ |
特性 |
ばく露時間 | continuous for 30 min |
ばく露の発生源/構造 |
ばく露装置の詳細 | The mobile phone "with transmitting but without sound" was placed to the right ear of the subjects while they watched a weather information video. |
Sham exposure | A sham exposure was conducted. |
Additional information | Two weeks after or before the exposure session, a double-blind control session was carried out with the phone switched off. |
測定量 | 値 | 種別 | Method | Mass | 備考 |
SAR | 1.62 W/kg | unspecified | 指定なし | unspecified | unit W/kg not indicated |
Non-exposure had no effect on allergen-specific IgE production, while exposure to microwave irradiation significantly increased allergen-specific IgE production. This increase was selective to allergen to which patients were allergic, as exposure increased latex-specific IgE production, while it failed to induce Japanese cedar pollen production.
The amount of allergen-specific IgE production was dependent on balance of Th1 cytokine and Th2 cytokine. Microwave exposure significantly decreased latex-induced IFN-gamma and IL-12 production, while it significantly increased latex-induced IL-4 and IL-13 production. In contrast, microwave exposure had no effect on production of these cytokines by Japanese cedar pollen.
Peripheral mononuclear cells from normal donors, who were exposed to microwave irradiation, failed to induce latex-specific IgE production by latex or Japanese cedar pollen-specific IgE production by Japanese cedar pollen.