Die folgenden Begriffe wurden einbezogen:
akustisch, acoustic, 音響的、聴覚的
Cheng B, Chatzinoff Y, Szczepanski D, Bing C, Shaikh S, Wyman O, Perry CE, Richardson JA, Burns DK, Evers BM, Greenberg DE, Chopra R
PLoS One 13 (5): e0197380
Electromagn Biol Med 37 (2): 95-99
Osanai H, Minusa S, Tateno T
Neuroscience 371: 346-370
Perlman O, Weitz IS, Azhari H
Int J Hyperthermia 34 (6): 773-785
Budinger TF, Bird MD
NeuroImage 168: 509-531
ASTM International,
ASTM F2213-17
Yavolovskaya E, Gabriadze G, Chiqovani G, Jobava R
2017 XXIInd International Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory (DIPED), Dnipro. IEEE, Dnipro, Ukraine: S. 183-186; ISBN 978-1-5090-0605-2
López Chiriboga AS, Cheshire Jr WP
J Oral Facial Pain Headache 31 (4): e7-e9
Voigt MB, Hubka P, Kral A
Brain Stimul 10 (3): 684-694
Geesink JH, Meijer DKF
Electromagn Biol Med 36 (4): 357-378
Nozadze T, Jeladze V, Tabatadze V, Petoev I, Prishvin M, Zaridze R
2017 XXIInd International Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory (DIPED), Dnipro. IEEE, Dnipro, Ukraine; ISBN 978-1-5090-0605-2
Bioelectromagnetics 38 (8): 613-617
Int J Oncol 51 (2): 405-413
Klimley AP, Wyman MT, Kavet R
PLoS One 12 (6): e0169031
Zenner HP, Delb W, Kröner-Herwig B, Jäger B, Peroz I, Hesse G, Mazurek B, Goebel G, Gerloff C, Trollmann R, Biesinger E, Seidler H, Langguth B
Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 274 (5): 2079-2091
Momoli F, Siemiatycki J, McBride ML, Parent MÉ, Richardson L, Bedard D, Platt R, Vrijheid M, Cardis E, Krewski D
Am J Epidemiol 186 (7): 885-893
Bortkiewicz A, Gadzicka E, Szymczak W
Int J Occup Med Environ Health 30 (1): 27-43
Prasad M, Kathuria P, Nair P, Kumar A, Prasad K
Neurol Sci 38 (5): 797-810
Çeliker M, Özgür A, Tümkaya L, Terzi S, Yilmaz M, Kalkan Y, Erdoğan E
Braz J Otorhinolaryngol 83 (6): 691-696
Gabriadze G, Chiqovani G, Jobava R
2016 XXIst International Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory (DIPED), Tbilisi, Georgia. IEEE: S. 33-37; ISBN 978-1-5090-6177-8
Jeladze V, Tsverava M, Nozadze T, Tabatadze V, Prishvin M, Zaridze R
2016 XXIst International Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory (DIPED), Tbilisi, Georgia. IEEE; ISBN 978-1-5090-6177-8
Fotowat H, Harvey-Girard E, Cheer JF, Krahe R, Maler L
eNeuro 3 (5): ENEURO.0115-16.2016
Loscri VM, Vegni AM
IEEE Trans Nanobioscience 15 (8): 901 - 907
Marino AA, Kim PY, Frilot Ii C
Electromagn Biol Med: 123-131
Health Council of the Netherlands
The Hague: Health Council of the Netherlands,
publication no. 2016/06: 1-98, ISBN 978-94-6281-098-3