Die folgenden Begriffe wurden einbezogen:
脳腫瘍, Gehirntumor, Hirntumor, "brain neoplasm", "brain cancer", "brain tumor"
Bioelectromagnetics 32 (8): 673-674
Larjavaara S, Schüz J, Swerdlow A, Feychting M, Johansen C, Lagorio S, Tynes T, Klaeboe L, Tonjer SR, Blettner M, Berg-Beckhoff G, Schlehofer B, Schoemaker M, Britton J, Mäntylä R, Lönn S, Ahlbom A, Flodmark O, Lilja A, Martini S, Rastelli E, Vidiri A, Kähärä V, Raitanen J, Heinävaara S, Auvinen A
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Int J Epidemiol 40 (4): 1126-1128
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Bioelectromagnetics 32 (2): 85-93
Schüz J, Elliott P, Auvinen A, Kromhout H, Poulsen AH, Johansen C, Olsen JH, Hillert L, Feychting M, Fremling K, Toledano M, Heinävaara S, Slottje P, Vermeulen R, Ahlbom A
Cancer Epidemiol 35 (1): 37-43
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Br J Cancer 102 (3): 615-619
IEEE Microw Mag 11 (7): 36-38
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SSM's Independent Expert Group on Electromagnetic Fields
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Giuliani L, Soffritti M: Non-thermal effects and mechanisms of interaction between electromagnetic fields and living matter. Mattioli 1885: S. 363-378; ISBN 978-88-6261-166-4
Giuliani L, Soffritti M: Non-thermal effects and mechanisms of interaction between electromagnetic fields and living matter. Mattioli 1885: S. 357-362; ISBN 978-88-6261-166-4
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Giuliani L, Soffritti M: Non-thermal effects and mechanisms of interaction between electromagnetic fields and living matter. Mattioli 1885: S. 301-318; ISBN 978-88-6261-166-4