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"cellular telephone", Mobiltelefon, "Smart Phones", "Smart Phone", Smartphone, Handy, "cellular phone", "mobile phone", "cell phone", セルラー電話, 携帯電話
2013 ,
Health Council of the Netherlands
The Hague: Health Council of the Netherlands,
publication no. 2013/11: 1-255, ISBN 978-90-5549-960-1
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Am J Epidemiol 178 (2): 190-197
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Bioelectromagnetics 34 (7): 530-541
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Int J Occup Med Environ Health 26 (2): 235-241
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Mahfouz Z, Verloock L, Joseph W, Tanghe E, Gati A, Wiart J, Lautru D, Hanna VF, Martens L
Radiat Prot Dosimetry 157 (3): 331-338
2013 ,
Aerts S, Deschrijver D, Verloock L, Dhaene T, Martens L, Joseph W
Environ Res 126: 184-191
2013 ,
Thielens A, Vermeeren G, Joseph W, Martens L
Bioelectromagnetics 34 (7): 549-562
2013 ,
Bodera P, Stankiewicz W, Zawada K, Antkowiak B, Paluch M, Kieliszek J, Kalicki B, Bartosinski A, Wawer I
Pharmacol Rep 65 (2): 421-428