Die Keimlinge wurden in die folgenden Gruppen eingeteilt: Exposition bei einem elektromagnetischen Feld von 1) 1,5 W, 2) 2,3 W und 3) 3 W und 4) Schein-Exposition. Es wurde eine Positivkontrolle genutzt. Es wurden 3 unabhängige Experimente durchgeführt und in jedem Experiment wurden 15 Wurzelspitzen and jeweils 5000 Zellen/Spitze in jeder Gruppe von unterschiedlichen Forschern untersucht.
TEM was made of copper clad FR-4 plates; the sides of the cell were left open to simplify access; tapered walls were used to join the central region of the cell, 450 mm long, to the input and output coaxial connectors; whole system was kept inside a thermostatic cabinet with a constant temperature of 20°C in the dark
Kumar A et al.
EMF radiations (1800 MHz)-inhibited early seedling growth of maize (Zea mays) involves alterations in starch and sucrose metabolism
Pesnya DS et al.
Comparison of cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of plutonium-239 alpha particles and mobile phone GSM 900 radiation in the Allium cepa test
Sharma VP et al.
Cell phone radiations affect early growth of Vigna radiata (mung bean) through biochemical alterations
Tkalec M et al.
Effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields on seed germination and root meristematic cells of Allium cepa L
Sharma VP et al.
Mobile phone radiation inhibits Vigna radiata (mung bean) root growth by inducing oxidative stress
Haider T et al.
Clastogenic effects of radiofrequency radiations on chromosomes of Tradescantia
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