Comments from the Russian group on Repacholi et al. "An international project to confirm soviet era results on immunological and teratological effects of RF field exposure in wistar rats and comments on Grigoriev et al. [2010]"
[Kommentare der Russischen Gruppe zu Repacholi et al. "Ein internationales Projekt zur Bestätigung der Ergebnisse aus der Sovietischen Ära zu den immunologischen und teratologischen Wirkungen durch RF-Feld-Exposition in Wistar-Ratten und ... "]
Repacholi M et al.
An international project to confirm soviet-era results on immunological and teratological effects of RF field exposure in wistar rats and comments on Grigoriev et al. [2010]
Grigoriev YG et al.
Confirmation studies of Soviet research on immunological effects of microwaves: Russian immunology results
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