Es nahmen 53 männliche Freiwillige an der Studie teil. Die Expositions- und Schein-Expositions-Sessions wurden an separaten Tagen um ungefähr dieselbe Uhrzeit durchgeführt.
33.4 m³ aluminum chamber, covered on the inside with RF absorbers, all non-coaxial cables to and from the chamber filtered at the entrance, ferrite beads mounted on the cables to suppress common signals, no 50 Hz power supply in the chamber, all lights were fibre optic or 12 V DC
participants seated at a desk inside the chamber; tetra handset connected via a coaxial cable from the external antenna to a controllable attenuator, an amplifier, a coupler for monitoring the exposure, and to the exposure antenna fixed on a plastic helmet which the test person was wearing; antenna fixed in the cheek position
Eggert T et al.
Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA) exposure and its impact on slow cortical potentials
Sauter C et al.
Do signals of a hand-held TETRA transmitter affect cognitive performance, well-being, mood or somatic complaints in healthy young men? Results of a randomized double-blind cross-over provocation study
Wallace D et al.
Cognitive and physiological responses in humans exposed to a TETRA base station signal in relation to perceived electromagnetic hypersensitivity
Breckenkamp J et al.
Ergebnisse einer Querschnittsstudie zum Zusammenhang von elektromagnetischen Feldern von Mobilfunksendeanlagen und unspezifischen gesundheitlichen Beschwerden
Mohler E et al.
Effects of everyday radiofrequency electromagnetic-field exposure on sleep quality: a cross-sectional study
Wallace D et al.
Do TETRA (Airwave) Base Station Signals Have a Short-Term Impact on Health and Well-Being? A Randomized Double-Blind Provocation Study
Berg-Beckhoff G et al.
Mobile phone base stations and adverse health effects: phase 2 of a cross-sectional study with measured radio frequency electromagnetic fields
Nam KC et al.
Hypersensitivity to RF fields emitted from CDMA cellular phones: a provocation study
Eltiti S et al.
Short-term exposure to mobile phone base station signals does not affect cognitive functioning or physiological measures in individuals who report sensitivity to electromagnetic fields and controls
Luria R et al.
Cognitive effects of radiation emitted by cellular phones: the influence of exposure side and time
Furubayashi T et al.
Effects of short-term W-CDMA mobile phone base station exposure on women with or without mobile phone related symptoms
Cinel C et al.
Does the use of mobile phones affect human short-term memory or attention?
Nieto-Hernandez R et al.
Can evidence change belief? Reported mobile phone sensitivity following individual feedback of an inability to discriminate active from sham signals
Cinel C et al.
Exposure to mobile phone electromagnetic fields and subjective symptoms: a double-blind study
Riddervold IS et al.
Cognitive Function and Symptoms in Adults and Adolescents in Relation to RF Radiation from UMTS Base Stations
Unterlechner M et al.
No effect of an UMTS mobile phone-like electromagnetic field of 1.97 GHz on human attention and reaction time
Wiholm C et al.
The Effects of 884 MHz GSM Wireless Communication Signals on Spatial Memory Performance: An Experimental Provocation Study
Paglialonga A et al.
Effects of mobile phone exposure on time frequency fine structure of transiently evoked otoacoustic emissions
Schüz J et al.
The "Mainzer EMF-Wachhund": results from a watchdog project on self-reported health complaints attributed to exposure to electromagnetic fields
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