Absence of a synergistic effect between moderate-power radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation and adriamycin on cell-cycle progression and sister-chromatid exchange
[Keine Synergie-Effekte zwischen hochfrequenter elektromagnetischer Strahlung mittlerer Leistung und Adriamycin auf die Zell-Zyklus Progression und den Schwesterchromatid-Austausch]
Zhijian C et al.
Impact of 1.8-GHz radiofrequency radiation (RFR) on DNA damage and repair induced by doxorubicin in human B-cell lymphoblastoid cells
Baohong W et al.
Evaluating the combinative effects on human lymphocyte DNA damage induced by ultraviolet ray C plus 1.8 GHz microwaves using comet assay in vitro
Orel VE et al.
Effects of mechanochemically activated doxorubicin and 40 MHz frequency irradiation on human A-549 lung carcinoma cells
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