Experimental facilitation of the sensed presence is predicted by the specific patterns of the applied magnetic fields, not by suggestibility: re-analyses of 19 experiments
[Experimentelle Bahnung der gefühlten Präsenz wird durch spezifische Muster der angelegten Magnetfelder vorherbestimmt und nicht durch Beeinflussbarkeit: Re-Analyse von 19 Experimenten]
St-Pierre LS, Persinger MA
Veröffentlicht in: Int J Neurosci 2006; 116 (9): 1079-1096
Meli SC et al.
Red light facilitates the sensed presence elicited by application of weak, burst-firing magnetic fields over the temporal lobes
Booth JN et al.
Increased feelings of the sensed presence and increased geomagnetic activity at the time of the experience during exposures to transcerebral weak complex magnetic fields
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