この研究は、変調された無線周波(RF:1800MHz、電界強度30 V/m)の照射が細胞内の酸化還元プロセスに与える影響を調べた。ギガヘルツTEMセルを用いてSAR 1.6 W/kgのRFを10、30、60分間、V79細胞株に照射した。細胞代謝活性、生存率、総タンパク質含有量、酸化タンパク質濃度、活性酸素種(ROS)などをRF群と対照群で比較した。その結果、両群において、細胞代謝活性および総タンパク質含有量に有意差はなかった;タンパク質の酸化産物濃度は、有意ではないが照射時間とともに増加した;ROSは、10分間照射で増加し、30分間照射では低下した、と報告している。
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The effects of exposure of hamster fibroblasts to a 1800 MHz electromagnetic field on cell viability and oxidative stress should be investigated.
Cells were either exposed to the electromagnetic field or not exposed (control group) for 10, 30 or 60 minutes. A positive control was conducted and all data were obtained from triplicate measurements.
周波数 | 1,800 MHz |
タイプ |
ばく露時間 | continuous for 10, 30 and 60 minutes |
Modulation type | cf. additional information |
Additional information |
GSM-modulation |
ばく露の発生源/構造 |
ばく露装置の詳細 | GTEM cell was equipped with a signal generator, signal amplifier and a signal modulator; temperature was measured and preserved at a physiological level |
The amount of reactive oxygen species was significantly increased after 10 minutes of exposure compared to the control group. After 30 and 60 minutes, however, no differences were observed. All other parameters did not show any significant differences between the exposure and control group.
The authors conclude that exposure of hamster fibroblasts to a 1800 MHz electromagnetic field might influence the oxidative state in cells.