この研究は、900MHz無線周波電磁界(RFEMF:SARは~0.4W/kg、ばく露時間は2時間以上)へのばく露により誘導されるヒト末梢血単核細胞(PBMC)のアポトーシス過程における活性酸素種(ROS)の重要性について調べた。その結果、GSM RFEMFのばく露により誘導された脂質、タンパク質、DNAの立体構造上の変化がROS活性化のトリガーとなる;ヒトPBMCは酸化ストレスに対してカロテノイド放出によりROSのさらなる増加を減じる自己防御機構を持つが、ばく露時間の延長とともにこの抗酸化防御とROS形成のバランスが失われ、ばく露8時間ではヒトPBMCに約37%が死滅した、などの所見を報告している。
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To study the extent of reactive oxygen species formation and oxidative DNA damage as well as cell apoptosis caused by radiofrequency electromagnetic fields on human peripheral blood mononuclear cells.
The data showed that apoptosis could be induced in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells by exposure of 900 MHz radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (SAR 0.4 W/kg) when the exposure lasted longer than two hours. The apoptosis was induced through the mitochondrial pathway and mediated by reactive oxygen species (increase after 2-6 h exposure) and caspase-3 (increase after 4-6 h exposure), and by a decreased mitochondrial membrane potential (after 2-6 h exposure). The formation of reactive oxygen species was triggered by the conformation disturbance of lipids, protein, and DNA induced by the exposure.