【背景と目的】ラットのリンパ(脾臓、胸腺、骨髄)、多形核白血球(PMNs)、血漿に対する900MHz電磁界(2時間/日、45日間)の影響を、酵素的および非酵素的な抗酸化システムの変化に的を絞って調べた。EMFによる酸化的損傷に関して、未熟ラットと成熟ラットで何らかの違いがあるか否か、また回復群では、未熟および成熟ラットにおいてEMFに誘導された損傷が可逆的であるか否かを明らかにした。【方法】未熟ラット(2週齢)24匹、成熟ラット(10週齢)24匹をそれぞれ同数の3群、計6群に無作為に分けた:対照群、EMFばく露群(28.2±2.1 V/m、2時間/日、45日間)、回復群(同様のばく露後、15日間放置)。【結果】EMFばく露後、酸化ストレス性の代謝において、かなり大きな程度の有害な生化学的変化が観察された。リンパ器官の抗酸化酵素活性とグルタチオンレベル、血漿の抗酸化能力は低下したが、PMNsおよび血漿の脂質過酸化反応と一酸化窒素レベル、PMNsのミエロペルオキシダーゼ活性は上昇した。酸化的損傷は組織特異的であり、回復期を経た後に見られた修復は、特に未熟ラットにおいて限定的であった。【結論】今回の実験では、主なリンパ器官での修復されない酸化的損傷のレベルは成熟ラットよりも未熟ラットの方が高いことが観察された。
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1.) To study the effects of a 900 MHz electromagnetic field on organs of immune system (spleen, thymus, bone marrow), polymorphonuclear leukocytes and plasma of immature and mature rats, focusing on changes in the enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidant system, plasma antioxidant capacity, lipid peroxidation, and oxidant parameters such as NO level and myeloperoxidase enzyme activity;
2.) To determine whether there is any difference between immature and mature rats in terms of oxidative damage caused by electromagnetic field exposure; and
3.) to test whether electromagnetic field-induced damage is reversible in immature and mature rats.
24 immature (2 weeks old) and 24 mature rats (10 weeks old) were divided into six groups of eight rats: two control groups, two exposure groups, and two recovery groups (kept for 15 days after exposure).
ばく露 | パラメータ |
900 MHz
continuous for 2h/day on 45 days
Rats were divided into six groups: i) immature control rats ii) immature rats exposed to EMF iii) immature rats exposed to EMF + kept for 15 days after exposure iv) mature control rats v) mature rats exposed to EMF vi) mature rats exposed to EMF + kept for 15 days after exposure
周波数 | 900 MHz |
タイプ |
ばく露時間 | continuous for 2h/day on 45 days |
ばく露の発生源/構造 |
ばく露装置の詳細 | rats placed in a restrainer with a galvanized plate under it for grounding; 15 cm high antenna positioned in the center of the restrainer about 6 cm from the rat's head; due to the rat's movement the distance between antenna and rat's head varied from 6 to 9 cm |
測定量 | 値 | 種別 | Method | Mass | 備考 |
電力 | 2 W | - | - | - | - |
電界強度 | 19.76 V/m | minimum | 測定値 | - | average for immature rats |
電界強度 | 28.58 V/m | maximum | 測定値 | - | average for immature rats |
電界強度 | 18.15 V/m | minimum | 測定値 | - | average for mature rats |
電界強度 | 23.61 V/m | maximum | 測定値 | - | average for mature rats |
SAR | 0.38 W/kg | minimum | 計算値 | whole body | for immature rats |
SAR | 0.78 W/kg | maximum | 計算値 | whole body | for immature rats |
SAR | 0.28 W/kg | minimum | 計算値 | whole body | for mature rats |
SAR | 0.48 W/kg | maximum | 計算値 | whole body | for mature rats |
The data showed substantial, deleterious biochemical changes in oxidative stress metabolism after electromagnetic field exposure. Antioxidant enzyme activities (catalase and glutathione peroxidase), glutathione levels in lymphoid organs and the antioxidant capacity of the plasma decreased in mature and immature rats, but lipid peroxidation and nitric oxide levels in polymorphonuclear leukocytes and plasma as well as myeloperoxidase enzyme activity increased. Oxidative damage was tissue specific and recovery after 15 days was limited, especially in immature rats.
The data showed higher levels of irreversible oxidative damage in the lymphoid organs of immature rats than in mature rats.