Moskowitz JM, Frank JW, Melnick RL, Hardell L, Belyaev I, Héroux P, Kelley E, Lai H, Maisch D, Mallery-Blythe E, Philips A, International Commission on the Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields (ICBE-EMF)
Héroux P, Belyaev I, Chamberlin K, Dasdag S, De Salles AAA, Rodriguez CEF, Hardell L, Kelley E, Kesari KK, Mallery-Blythe E, Melnick RL, Miller AB, Moskowitz JM, International Commission on the Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields (ICBE-EMF)
Belpomme D, Carlo GL, Irigaray P, Carpenter DO, Hardell L, Kundi M, Belyaev I, Havas M, Adlkofer F, Heuser G, Miller AB, Caccamo D, De Luca C, von Klitzing L, Pall ML, Bandara P, Stein Y, Sage C, Soffritti M, Davis D, Moskowitz JM, Mortazavi SMJ, Herbert MR, Moshammer H, Ledoigt G, Turner R, Tweedale A, Munoz-Palero P, Udasin I, Koppel T, Burgio E, Vander Vorst A
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