Indragandhi V, Singh RS, Sudha R, Prabhu KR (Hrsg.): 2nd Virtual Conference on Advances in Electric Drives, Process Control and Automation (VCADPCA 2020), India, Sweden and Denmark. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Band 906; Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP); 012018; ISBN 978-1-7138-3187-7
Aksenov V, Zavyalov A, Chaplygin V, Sorokina E
López-Jácome LE, Chávez-Heres T, Becerra-Lobato N, García-Hernández ML, Vanegas-Rodríguez ES, Colin-Castro CA, Hernández-Durán M, Cruz-Arenas E, Cerón-González G, Cervantes-Hernández MI, Ortega-Peña S, Mondragón-Eguiluz JA, Franco-Cendejas R
Filippini T, Fiore M, Tesauro M, Malagoli C, Consonni M, Violi F, Arcolin E, Iacuzio L, Oliveri Conti G, Cristaldi A, Zuccarello P, Zucchi E, Mazzini L, Pisano F, Gagliardi I, Patti F, Mandrioli J, Ferrante M, Vinceti M
J Investig Med High Impact Case Rep 8: 2324709620925566
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