Die folgenden Begriffe wurden einbezogen:
Mobilfunk, Mobilkommunikation, "mobile communication", "cellular radio", "mobile radio", セルラー無線, 移動無線
Smitha CK, Narayanan NK
Salim M, Sharma KK, Janyani V (Hrsg.): International Conference on Communication and Electronics System Design. Proceedings of SPIE, Band 8760; SPIE., Bellingham, WA; 87601C; ISBN 978-0-8194-9557-0
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Lazar MD, Garabagiu S (Hrsg.): Processes in Isotopes and Molecules (PIM 2013). AIP Conference Proceedings, Band 1565; AIP Publishing, New York; S. 164-166; ISBN 978-0-7354-1193-7
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Ahamed MEM, Elzaawely AA, Bayoumi YA
Asian J Crop Sci 5 (3): 286-294
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE),
Errata to IEEE Std 1528-2013
Aydoğan T, Cakcak E, Şimşek O, Erginöz E, Aydoğan F, Hatipoğlu S, Kapan S
Med J Bakirkoy 9 (4): 176-182
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Zahedifar Z, Baharara J
Zahedan Journal of Research in Medical Sciences 15 (11): 39-44
Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems 4 (3): 51-64
Ledoigt G, Belpomme D
Adv Biol Chem 3 (2): 177-186
Rappaport TS, Sun S, Mayzus R, Zhao H, Azar Y, Wang K, Wong GN, Schulz JK, Samimi M, Gutierrez F
IEEE Access 1: 335 - 349
Rev Environ Health 28 (2-3): 75-84
El Halabi N, Achkar R, Abou Haidar G
Eurocon 2013, Zagreb, Croatia. IEEE: S. 529-535; ISBN 978-1-4673-2230-0
IEEE Microw Mag 14 (4): 42 - 46
Bornkessel C, Schubert M
Landesamt für Natur, Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz Nordrhein-Westfalen (LANUV),
LANUV-Fachbericht 47: 1-94
Sharma P, Gautam AK, Kumar S
Indian Journal of Radio & Space Physics 42 (6): 425-428
Koç A, Ünal D, Çimentepe E, Bayrak Ö, Karataş ÖF, Yildirim ME, Bayrak R, Aydin M
Turk J Med Sci 43 (1): 131-137
Haghani M, Mortazavi SMJ, Sardari D, Mosleh-Shirazi MA, Mansouri A
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Electromagn Biol Med 32 (3): 315-332
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Neuroquantology 11 (4): 573-581
Ikinci A, Odaci E, Yildirim M, Kaya H, Akca M, Hanci H, Aslan A, Sönmez OF, Bas O
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