Die folgenden Begriffe wurden einbezogen:
脳電図記録法, Elektroenzephalographie, EEG, electroencephalography
da Silva JC, Amorim H, Scorza FA, Cavalheiro EA, Cukiert A
Neuromodulation 16 (2): 100-104
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Bioelectromagnetics 34 (1): 31-42
Suhhova A, Bachmann M, Lass J, Tuulik V, Hinrikus H
Jobbágy Á (Hrsg.): 5th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering. IFMBE Proceedings, Band 37; Springer Berlin, Heidelberg; S. 1206-1209; ISBN 978-3-642-23507-8
Carmichael DW, Vulliemoz S, Rodionov R, Thornton JS, McEvoy AW, Lemieux L
NeuroImage 63 (1): 301-309
Hao D, Yang L, Chen S, Tian Y, Wu S
Neural Regen Res 7 (19): 1488-1492
International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility - EMC EUROPE, Rome, Italy. IEEE: S. 13225691; ISBN 978-1-4673-0717-8
Sharova EV, Mel'nikov AV, Novikova MR, Kulikov MA, Mats VN, Shishkina LV, Ermakov AM
Zh Vyssh Nerv Deiat Im I P Pavlova 62 (1): 65-78
Clin EEG Neurosci 43 (3): 209-214
2012 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, San Diego, CA, USA. IEEE: S. 5745-5748; ISBN 978-1-4577-1787-1
Maeoka H, Matsuo A, Hiyamizu M, Morioka S, Ando H
Neurosci Lett 512 (1): 12-16
Schade S, Moliadze V, Paulus W, Antal A
Restor Neurol Neurosci 30 (3): 191-198
Nizard J, Lefaucheur JP, Helbert M, de Chauvigny E, Nguyen JP
Discov Med 14 (74): 21-31
Torii T, Sato A, Iwahashi M, Itoh Y, Iramina K
2012 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, San Diego, CA, USA. IEEE: S. 3372-3375; ISBN 978-1-4577-1787-1
Vanneste S, de Ridder D
Neuromodulation 15 (4): 350-360
Akpinar D, Ozturk N, Ozen S, Agar A, Yargicoglu P
Electromagn Biol Med 31 (4): 436-448
Bikson M, Rahman A, Datta A
Clin EEG Neurosci 43 (3): 176-183
Santaniello S, Montgomery Jr EB, Gale JT, Sarma SV
Front Integr Neurosci 6: 35
Karbowski LM, Harribance SL, Buckner CA, Mulligan BP, Koren SA, Lafrenie RM, Persinger MA
Neurosci Lett 523 (2): 131-134
Schmid MR, Murbach M, Lustenberger C, Maire M, Kuster N, Achermann P, Loughran SP
J Sleep Res 21 (6): 620-629
Swerdlow AJ, Advisory Group on Non-ionising Radiation AGNIR
Health Protection Agency (HPA),
Documents of the Health Protection Agency, RCE-20: 1-348
Schmid G, Bolz T, Überbacher R, Escorihuela-Navarro A, Bahr A, Dorn H, Sauter C, Eggert T, Danker-Hopfe H
Bioelectromagnetics 33 (7): 594-603
Benninger DH, Iseki K, Kranick S, Luckenbaugh DA, Houdayer E, Hallett M
Neurorehabil Neural Repair 26 (9): 1096-1105
Weisz N, Steidle L, Lorenz I
Eur J Neurosci 36 (1): 2077-2087
Naziroglu M, Celik O, Ozgul C, Cig B, Dogan S, Bal R, Gumral N, Rodriguez AB, Pariente JA
Physiol Behav 105 (3): 683-692
Prinz S, Van Oijen G, Ehinger F, Bessei W, Coenen A
Poult Sci 91 (4): 998-1008