Die folgenden Begriffe wurden einbezogen:
交流, Wechselstrom, AC, "alternating current"
Bioelectromagnetics 22 (1): 7-18
Satow Y, Matsunami K, Kawashima T, Satake H, Huda K
Bioelectromagnetics 22 (1): 53-59
Sienkiewicz ZJ, Bartram R, Haylock RG, Saunders RD
Bioelectromagnetics 22 (1): 19-26
Bioelectromagnetics 22 (1): 27-45
Haga A, Kumagai Y, Endo G
EMC Europe 2000 Brugge, 4th European Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Brugge, Belgium. IEEE: S. 35-40
Keine Autoren angegeben
EMC Europe 2000 Brugge, 4th European Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Brugge, Belgium. IEEE: S. 461-475
Zrÿd JP, Schaefer D, Ianoz M, Zweiacker P
EMC Europe 2000 Brugge, 4th European Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Brugge, Belgium. IEEE: S. 183-186
Sjöblom T, Suojanen M, Keikko T, Kotiniitty J, Korpinen L
EMC Europe 2000 Brugge, 4th European Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Brugge, Belgium. IEEE: S. 167-170
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Pathophysiology 7 (2): 121-125
Electro Magnetobiol 19 (3): 339-343
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Electro Magnetobiol 19 (3): 351-355
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International Journal of Radiation Medicine 1 (5): 96-103
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Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics [ANTEM 2000], Winnipeg, Canada. IEEE: S. 59; ISBN 978-0-9692563-7-3
Radio Sci 35 (4): 1035 - 1044
Saad-El-Din AA, Saad HM, Said HH
Proceedings of the 7th Conference of Nuclear Sciences and Applications. Vol.1,2,3. INIS: S. 1072-1084
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Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult (4): 3-7
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE),
IEEE Std 80-2000: 1-192, ISBN 978-0-7381-1927-4
Dillon R, von Winterfeldt D
AIHAJ 61 (1): 76-81
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J Trauma 48 (4): 767-772
Hand Clin 16 (2): 249-259
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Occup Health Saf 69 (11): 72-74
Arch Kriminol 206 (5-6): 168-179
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Med J Malaysia 55 (4): 524-526