Die folgenden Begriffe wurden einbezogen:
マイクロ波, Mikrowellen, MW, microwaves
Dondoladze K, Nikolaishvili M, Museliani T, Jikia G, Zurabashvili D
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Zhao X, Liu Q, Dong G, Sun Y, Zhou H, Wang C
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Dinarević EC, Poljak D, Blažević Z
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Sharma A, Shrivastava S, Shukla S
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Hossain A, Islam MT, Chowdhury MEH, Samsuzzaman M
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Hisatake S, Kamada J, Asano Y, Uchida H, Tojo M, Oikawa Y, Miyaji K
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Zhao J, Hu E, Shang S, Wu D, Li P, Zhang P, Tan D, Lu X
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Sayem ASM, Simorangkir RBVB, Esselle KP, Hashmi RM, Liu H
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Jayabharathy K, Ilakkia S
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Baskaran D, Arunachalam K
Bioelectromagnetics 41 (8): 630-648
Tariq RU, Ye M, Cao Z, He Y
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Jothi Chitra R, Nagarajan V, Mukesh D
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