Die folgenden Begriffe wurden einbezogen:
"Global System for Mobile Communications", GSM, グローバル・システム・フォー・モバイル・コミュニケーションズ(GSM)
Preece AW, Iwi G, Davies-Smith A, Wesnes K, Butler S, Lim E, Varey A
Int J Radiat Biol 75 (4): 447-456
Chagnaud JL, Veyret B
Int J Radiat Biol 75 (1): 111-113
Fourteenth International Wroclaw Symposium and Exhibition, Electromagnetic Compatibility 1998, Wroclaw, Poland. IEEE: S. 95-97
Wnuk M, Kołosowski W, Amanowicz M
Fourteenth International Wroclaw Symposium and Exhibition, Electromagnetic Compatibility 1998, Wroclaw, Poland. IEEE: S. 346-350
D'Inzeo G, Apollonio F, Tarricone L
EMC'98 ROMA International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Rome, Italy. IEEE: S. 200-203; ISBN 9798331500016
Streckert J, Bitz A, Hansen V
EMC'98 ROMA International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Rome, Italy. IEEE: S. 194-199; ISBN 9798331500016
Hietanen M, Hämäläinen AM
EMC'98 ROMA International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Rome, Italy. IEEE: S. 181-183; ISBN 9798331500016
Meas Control 31 (6): 166-169
Okoniewski M, Stuchly MA
1998 Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics, Ottawa, ON, Canada. IEEE: S. 109-112; ISBN 978-0-9692563-6-6
Cardiac Arrhythmias, Pacing & Electrophysiology. Springer Netherlands: S. 427-436; ISBN 978-94-010-6210-7