Time course of health complaints attributed to RF-EMF exposure and predictors of electromagnetic hypersensitivity over 10 years in a prospective cohort of Dutch adults
[Zeitlicher Verlauf von gesundheitliche Beschwerden, die auf HF-EMF-Exposition zurückgeführt werden, und Prädiktoren für Elektrosensibilität über 10 Jahre in einer prospektiven Kohorte mit niederländischen Erwachsenen]
Traini E, Martens AL, Slottje P, Vermeulen RCH, Huss A
Veröffentlicht in: Sci Total Environ 2023; 856 Pt 2: 159240
Perrin A
[Health problems attributed to exposure to electromagnetic fields and predictors of electromagnetic hypersensitivity: 10-year evolution in a prospective cohort of Dutch adults]
Kompetenzzentrum Elektromagnetische Felder (KEMF)
Spotlight on "Time course of health complaints attributed to RF-EMF exposure and predictors of electromagnetic hypersensitivity over 10 years in a prospective cohort of Dutch adults" by Traini et al. in Science of the Total Environment (2023)
Perrin A
[News from the literature - Article analysis: Time course of health complaints attributed to RF-EMF exposure and predictors of electromagnetic hypersensitivity over 10 years in a prospective cohort of Dutch adults.]
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