Endocrine functions in young men exposed for one night to a 50-Hz magnetic field. A circadian study of pituitary, thyroid and adrenocortical hormones
[Endokrine Funktionen bei jungen Männern, die für eine Nacht in einem 50 Hz-Magnetfeld exponiert wurden. Eine Tagesrhythmus-Studie zu den Hypophysen-, Schilddrüsen- und Nebennierenrinden-Hormonen]
Touitou Y et al.
Assessment of cortisol secretory pattern in workers chronically exposed to ELF-EMF generated by high voltage transmission lines and substations
Kitaoka K et al.
Exposure to an Extremely-Low-Frequency Magnetic Field Stimulates Adrenal Steroidogenesis via Inhibition of Phosphodiesterase Activity in a Mouse Adrenal Cell Line
Rajkovic V et al.
Studies on the synergistic effects of extremely low-frequency magnetic fields and the endocrine-disrupting compound atrazine on the thyroid gland
Kurokawa Y et al.
Acute exposure to 50 Hz magnetic fields with harmonics and transient components: Lack of effects on nighttime hormonal secretion in men
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