21 Tage alte Mäuse wurden in die folgenden Gruppen eingeteilt (je n=3): Exposition bei dem elektromagnetischen Feld für 1) 30, 2) 60, 3) 90, 4) 120, 5) 150 und 6) 180 Tage. Für jede Expositions-Gruppe wurde eine separate Schein-Expositions-Gruppe genutzt (je n=3 Mäuse). Die Mäuse wurden jeweils 24 Stunden nach dem Ende der Exposition getötet.
cages with a temperature of 22 ± 1°C and 60% relative humidity
18 mice were exposed in a cage; cell phone was placed under cage roof at a distance of 5 cm to the floor; phone was put in non-vibrating, silent, do not disturb (DND) and auto answer activated mode and was rung upon from another cell phone
Gohari FA et al.
An Experimental Study of the Effects of Combined Exposure to Microwave and Heat on Gene Expression and Sperm Parameters in Mice
Pandey N et al.
Radiofrequency radiation (900 MHz)-induced DNA damage and cell cycle arrest in testicular germ cells in swiss albino mice
Tumkaya L et al.
Mobile phone radiation during pubertal development has no effect on testicular histology in rats
Saygin M et al.
Impact of L-carnitine and Selenium Treatment on Testicular Apoptosis in Rats Exposed to 2.45 GHz Microwave Energy
Sehitoglu I et al.
Biochemical and histopathological effects on the rat testis after exposure to electromagnetic field during fetal period
Odaci E et al.
Exposure to a 900 MHz electromagnetic field for 1 hour a day over 30 days does change the histopathology and biochemistry of the rat testis
Karaman MI et al.
The effects of electromagnetic waves emitted by the cell phones on the testicular tissue
Kumar S et al.
Effect of electromagnetic irradiation produced by 3G mobile phone on male rat reproductive system in a simulated scenario
Tas M et al.
Long-term effects of 900 MHz radiofrequency radiation emitted from mobile phone on testicular tissue and epididymal semen quality
Hanci H et al.
The effect of prenatal exposure to 900-megahertz electromagnetic field on the 21-old-day rat testicle
Celik S et al.
An evaluation of the effects of long-term cell phone use on the testes via light and electron microscope analysis
Ozlem Nisbet H et al.
Effects of exposure to electromagnetic field (1.8/0.9 GHz) on testicular function and structure in growing rats
Lee HJ et al.
The effects of simultaneous combined exposure to CDMA and WCDMA electromagnetic fields on rat testicular function
Meo SA et al.
Effects of mobile phone radiation on serum testosterone in Wistar albino rats
Lee HJ et al.
The lack of histological changes of CDMA cellular phone-based radio frequency on rat testis
Ribeiro EP et al.
Effects of subchronic exposure to radio frequency from a conventional cellular telephone on testicular function in adult rats
Forgacs Z et al.
Effect of whole-body 1800MHz GSM-like microwave exposure on testicular steroidogenesis and histology in mice
Ozguner M et al.
Biological and morphological effects on the reproductive organ of rats after exposure to electromagnetic field
Dasdag S et al.
Whole body exposure of rats to microwaves emitted from a cell phone does not affect the testes
Dasdag S et al.
Whole-body microwave exposure emitted by cellular phones and testicular function of rats
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