Effects of extremely low frequency electromagnetic field (EMF) on collagen type I mRNA expression and extracellular matrix synthesis of human osteoblastic cells
[Wirkungen eines niederfrequenten elektromagnetischen Feldes (EMF) auf die mRNA-Expression von Kollagen Typ I und die extrazelluläre Matrixsynthese von menschlichen Osteoblasten-Zellen]
Barnaba SA et al.
Clinical significance of different effects of static and pulsed electromagnetic fields on human osteoclast cultures
Ulku R et al.
Extremely low-frequency magnetic field decreased calcium, zinc and magnesium levels in costa of rat
Akdag MZ et al.
The effect of long-term extremely low-frequency magnetic field on geometric and biomechanical properties of rats' bone
Akpolat V et al.
Treatment of osteoporosis by long-term magnetic field with extremely low frequency in rats
Gurgul S et al.
Deterioration of bone quality by long-term magnetic field with extremely low frequency in rats
Sert C et al.
The preventive effect on bone loss of 50-Hz, 1-mT electromagnetic field in ovariectomized rats
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