Medizinische/biologische Studie
(experimentelle Studie)
Electromagnetic field stimulation potentiates endogenous myelin repair by recruiting subventricular neural stem cells in an experimental model of white matter demyelination
[Elektromagnetische Feld-Stimulation verstärkt die endogene Myelin-Reparatur durch Rekrutierung subventrikulärer neuraler Stammzellen in einem experimentellen Modell der weißen Substanz-Demyelinierung]
Sherafat MA, Heibatollahi M, Mongabadi S, Moradi F, Javan M, Ahmadiani A
a pair of 7-cm-diameter Helmholtz coils was located dorsal and ventral of the head; the distance between each coil and the midpoint of the head was approximately 6 cm
Gao Q et al.
Extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields promote cognitive function and hippocampal neurogenesis of rats with cerebral ischemia
Laszlo JF et al.
The effect of whole-body, repetitive, inhomogeneous static magnetic field-exposure on the symptoms of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in mice
Podda MV et al.
Extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields enhance the survival of newborn neurons in the mouse hippocampus
Leone L et al.
Epigenetic modulation of adult hippocampal neurogenesis by extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields
Ma Q et al.
Extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields affect transcript levels of neuronal differentiation-related genes in embryonic neural stem cells
Cuccurazzu B et al.
Exposure to extremely low-frequency (50 Hz) electromagnetic fields enhances adult hippocampal neurogenesis in C57BL/6 mice
Piacentini R et al.
Extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields promote in vitro neurogenesis via upregulation of Ca(v)1-channel activity
Mostert S et al.
Effect of pulsed magnetic field therapy on the level of fatigue in patients with multiple sclerosis--a randomized controlled trial
Anane R et al.
Effects of GSM-900 microwaves on the experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) rat model of multiple sclerosis
Sandyk R
Weak electromagnetic fields increase the amplitude of the pattern reversal VEP response in patients with multiple sclerosis
Barker AT et al.
Magnetic stimulation of the human brain and peripheral nervous system: an introduction and the results of an initial clinical evaluation
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