Sherafat MA, Heibatollahi M, Mongabadi S, Moradi F, Javan M, Ahmadiani A
掲載誌: J Mol Neurosci 2012; 48 (1): 144-153
この研究は、ラットにおける毒素誘導性の脱髄と髄鞘再生に対する磁界(60 Hz; 0.7 mT)の影響を調べた。実験には30匹の雌SDラットを用いた。脱随を誘導するための脳梁内にリゾホスファチジルコリン(LPC)注射を行った後、ばく露群と擬似ばく露群に分け、処置日から7、14、28日間、2時間の磁界ばく露(または擬似ばく露)を1日2回(午前と午後)行い、各ばく露期間終了後直ちに屠殺して、ネスチンとミエリン塩基性タンパク質(MBP)のBrdUラベリングおよび免疫染色により骨髄組織検査を行った。その結果、14、28日間のばく露群では脱随面積の減少と脱随部位内のMBP染色レベル増加が有意であった;7、14日間のばく露群では脳室下帯とLPC注入傷痕の間の部位でのBrdU陽性細胞、ネスチン陽性細胞の数が増加したとの所見から、ばく露群では神経幹細胞増殖とミエリン鞘修復の増強がみられたと報告している。
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Multiple sclerosis was induced in rats by an injection of lysophosphatidylcholine into the corpus callosum. Neural stem cells are capable to form new myelin sheats and might therefore be of use in the treatment of multiple sclerosis.
30 rats were divided into the following groups (n ≥ 3 each): 1) sham injection with salt solution and exposure to the magnetic field (remark EMF-Portal: it is not clear how long this group was exposed), multiple sclerosis model rats and exposure to the magnetic field for 2) 7 days, 3) 14 days and 4) 28 days. For each group a separate sham exposure group was used.
Exposure to the magnetic field significantly reduced the extent of myelin destruction in the corpus callosum of multiple sclerosis model rats after 14 (group 3) and 28 days (group 4) of exposure compared to the respective sham exposure groups. Corresponding to that, the presence of Schwann cells was significantly increased in rats from all exposure groups (groups 2-4) compared to sham exposed rats.
The number and proliferation of neural stem cells in the corpus callosum was significantly increased in all exposure groups compared to the sham exposure groups, indicating a migration of neural stem cells to the damaged areas and cell growth.
The authors conclude that exposure to a 60 Hz magnetic field might promote a proliferation and migration of neural stem cells and repair of myelin in damaged tissue of the corpus callosum in multiple sclerosis model rats.